Monday, July 30, 2018

IC to Duluth? Canada?

Duluth, Glencoe and St. Cloud President Outlines Probabilities.
ST. PAUL, Feb. 14.—"We will build the Duluth, Glencoe and Southwestern from Mankato to St. Cloud this sum­mer. It is more than possible that the line will become the Illinois Central's outlet to the lakes when finished. I have been negotiating with that road, and while nothing definite has been ac­complished, this object is more than a possibility." This is the answer which President A, H. Reed of Glencoe gave to the question which has puzzled many local railroad men, why a new line should be built via St. Cloud to Duluth when the field is already covered. The reply of the president of the new line throws much light on the possibilities. Further than this, President Reed said that at the annual meeting, held in De­cember, the directors amended the ar­ticles of incorporation in such a manner that the line will be permitted to build a north and south branch from St. Cloud through the Red Lake district, to the boundary, to connect there with the new Canadian east and west line, or to go further and connect with the Canadian Pacific. "If this line is built," said Mr. Reed, "the Rock Island would have a system stretching from the Gulf to the northermost boundary of the United States, and in addition, would also have an open market at Duluth.

<note that this line references both Rock Island and Illinois Central>

- Bismarck Daily Tribune 2/14/1900

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