Monday, March 9, 2015

Root River Railroad

From: Wisconsin: Its Geography and Topography, History, Geology, and Mineralogy ...

The Milwaukee and Rock River Canal Company was incorporated in January 1838 to construct a canal or slack water navigation from the town of Milwaukee to Rock river and also a branch to connect with the Fox or Pishtaka river at or near Prairieville

The Root River Railroad Company was incorporated in 1838 to construct a railroad from at or near Ball's mill on Root river to the head of the lower rapids on said river with the privilege of extending the same to Racine

The Racine and Rock River Railroad Company was incorporated in 183S to construct a railroad from Racine to Janesville on Rock river The Pekatonica and Mississippi Railroad Company

Sunday, March 8, 2015

more on the Milwaukee, Galesburg & Southern

From the Sterling Standard, nov 14, 1905

Reorganized and Rejuvenated For Work Milwaukee, Galesburg and Southern Line Can Be Secured -In Endeavor to Get Government Dam Built Quick Possibility-- Many Important Factories Can Hydraulic Company Assisting -- The C. B.& Q. Be Secured Greater. Sterling and Rock Falls la r.ow not only a possibility, but It Is very probable. The only thing that can sidetrack the wave of prosperity and growth which Is about to come, this way. Is for the people of the Twin Cities to continue to slumber and let it pass. A prominent man of Sterling, who has always been alive to tho good things which can be secured, and who has, unaided, been tho cause of more than one big building being added to Storing, made the above statement ths morning. He advances the great, need just now, of the reogranization and rejuvenation of Sterling's Business Men's Association, for he Is sure that such an organization, alive ond active, Is the only thing which can Insure quick results for the betterment of the community. '. The great need of the work of the eoaleity wag shown. Saturday when there was nobody ready to receive the representatives of the new Milwaukee Galesburg& Southern railroad. The Mass Meeting. About fifty of the leading business men and manufacturers of Sterling and Rock Falls met at tho city hall at 7 o'clock Saturday evening in response to a call sent out by Mayor Lewis to consider Sterling's Interest In the Milwaukee, Galesburg and Southern railroad, the new steam, line which It is proposed to build through this vicinity. ,The primary reason for the meeting to secure the co-operation of the ——' manufacturers: in obtaining an approximate table showing the amount of shipping In and out of the city per year. But the new road was discussed by many and the general sense of the meeting was that it would be a good thing for Sterling if the road should be built through this city and that it was the duty of all to work to secure the building of the road. The Meeting. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Lewis at about 7:30 o'clock, and ho was elected chairman. D. L. Miller was choaon secretary. The mayor stated that the object of the meeting was to talk over what interest the business men and manufacturers of the two cities might have In a north and south steam railroad and to secure an approximate tonnage of the in arid out shipment each year. He stated that the meeting had been called for Saturday evening that' the necessary data might be secured to'submit to a meet^ ing of the board of directors of the new road which will be held in Galesburg Tuesday. He called upon several of those present who had been with Messrs Uluisted, the chief engineer, ami <illegible>_while_they_ were in the city "Saturday. Thomas Dlller stated that ho had spent nearly the entire day with Engineer Ulmsted and that most of their time has been spent north"'and south of the city where the engineer examined the lay of the land with an idea of getting into the Twin Cities. Ho stated that the surveying official was very well satisfied with the geography of the land and seemed satisfied that an easy entry to the two cities could bo secured. M. D. John stated that he had been with Mr. Chase considerably during fcte day and that that official had stated to him that the road was to be built by a syndicate of New York< bankers. He said that Mr. Chase had intimated that the road was to be built by E. H, Harriman'a interests, to connect with the Wisconsin Central on the north and the Chicago& Alton on the south, both of which are Harriman t lines. The road is to be completed by March." 1907, aftd will bo built regard- les sof the action of people along the right of way in BocurliiK slock. Hmv- Kver, the promoters would HUo to well lews of'the ofilon of people aloua thu people whobu (:<mulry it \vill traverse. Tho ro:td hi capiUlixed at JIO.OUO.UOO. 31. J. JficUosh, ol tho wire company stated that he had met the officials during their visit here and that he . was of the opinion that a north and south line would be of untold benefit to the manufacturers of this city who have heretofore been at a disadvantage to get to the the Wisconsin field of business. He was of the opinion that It would also prove a big help as It would traverse the coal fields to the south. It developed .at the meeting that during Saturday A. J. Pratt of the Keystone had been at work, and had secured the statements of tho shipments of several of the factories, and several of the manufacturers' handed statements of their business to the secretary. A complete table will have been secured by this evening when it will bo given to the two officials upon their return here tonight and it will be presented at the meeting of the directors which will be held In Galesburg Tuesday.

From Engineering News, Vol 54

 MILWAUKEE GALESBURG & SOUTHERN We are informed thatsurveys are being made and right of way acquired for line from Milwaukee Wis to Louisiana Mo where it will connect with the Chicago & Alton Ry giving a direct route from Milwaukee to St Louis and Kansas City Robert A Young Jr of Galesburg III is interested

From Rock Island Argus, 11/25/1905

RAILROAD COMPANY SHUTS HEADQUARTERS Action of Milwaukee, Galesburg & Southern Promoters Mystifies. People living In Henry, Knox, Warren and other count its east and south Of here are much mystified by the action of tne promoters of the so-calle 1 Milwaukee, Galesburg & Southern railroad, which has recently created so inuch interest In that loca'.ity. A. I). Nelson, a representative of the company, arrived in Galesburg yesterday and closed the , headquarters which were recently opened there. -The furniture was sold back to the dealers at a discount. Mr. Nelson told the inquiring ones that the capitalists who are said to be back of the enterprise' are !n New York attending a meeting and that neme of them will put in appearance again till February. "Cure the cough and save the life." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs and colds, down to the very verge of consumption.

Geneva & Burlington Railroad

Incorporated 1856.

From Wisconsin state laws.

CHAPTER 323 An Act to incorporate the Geneva and Burlington Railroad Company The people of the State of Wisconsin represented in Senate and Assembly do enact as follows Banner 1 TO Smith AS Palmer Apollos Hast Oarporston ings HE Allen SB Grant J Gr Inbush Horatio Hill CP Barnes and Nelson R Norton are hereby created a Style Powers To construct a railroad Capital stock To open books Isetin to choose directors of are 3 body corporate by the name of the Geneva and Railroad Company and by that name shall be are hereby made capable in law to purchase hold enjoy retain to them and their successors lands tenements hereditaments so far as may be necessary for the pur of constructing a railroad hereinafter set forth and same to sell grant or in any manner dispose of to or be contracted with to sue and be sued and be impleaded answer and be answered defend be defended and also to make have and use a seal the same to alter break or renew at their And if one or more of the persons named in this shall die refuse or neglect to execute the powers and dischare the duties hereby created it shall be the duty the remaining persons hereinbefore named or a of them to appoint a suitable person or persons to fill vacancy or vacancies so often as the same shall occur SEO 2 The said corporation are hereby authorized empowered to construct and erect a railroad from the vilage of Geneva in the county of Wulworth to the of Burlington in the county of Racine Sec 3 The capital stock of said corporation shall two hundred and fifty thousand dollars with power to increase the same to an amount not exceeding thousand dollars for each mile of railroad which company are authorized to construct and shall be into shares of one hundred dollars each Sec 4 The above named persons or a majority of them are hereby authorized to open books for receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of said corporation and prescribe the form of such subscription which books e opened within one year from the passage of this act at such place or places as they may deem expedient giving two weeks notice in some newspaper published the city of Milwaukee and in the county of Walworth and in such other places as they may see fit of the and place of opening said books SE0 5 So soon as twenty five thousand dollars or of the capital stock of said corporation shall be subscribed the above uamed corporators or a majority of them shall give notice to the stockholders in such manner they may determine of a time and place for holding a meeting of the said stockholders to choose directors for the said corporation and thersaid stockholders may at such meeting proceed to elect nine directors fi om the said stockholders by ballot each share of stock entitling the owner thereof to one vote and the corporators mentioned in the first section of this act or such of them as are present at the said meeting shall be inspectors of such elec tion and shall certify in writing what persons are elected and shall appoint the time and place of holding the first meeting of the board of directors at which meeting a majority shall form a quorum com etent to transact the business of the said company and t ereatter an election of directors shall be held annually at such time and place as the stockholders shall at their first meeting determine and if the said stockholders shall fail to appoint the time and place for said election then the board of directors may fix the time and place of said meeting and shall give thirty days notice to the stockholders of such meetlng and in case no election is had on the day appointed the directors last elected shall hold until an election been held and others elected in their stead SEO 6 The affairs of said corporation shall be managed by a board of not less than nine and not more than directors who shall be chosen annually by ballot as here inat ter prescribed by the stockholders of the said company the votes to be delivered in person or by proxy duly authorized which directors shall appoint one of their own number to be president and shall respectively serve one year or until other directors are elected they shall have power to make and establish such by laws rules and regulations not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this state as may be necessary for the well ordering the afl airs of said company SEO 7 None but stockholders shall be elected directors and at every election and in all cases where stockholders shall be called upon to vote each share of stock shall be entitled to one vote and in all cases of election of directors the stockholders having the highest number of shall be declared elected SEO 8 The said directors shall meet at such times places and be convened in such manner as they may here after decide upon A majority of said directors shall be quorum for the transaction of business who in the absence of the president shall appoint a president pro tem The said directors shall appoint a secretary treasurer and such engineers and other oflicers as they may find necessary and they shall have full powers to fix the of all officers or agents and may demand adequate security for the performance of their respective trusts they s all decide the time and manner and proportions in which the said stockholders shall pay the money due on their respective shares and forfeit to the use of the company the share or shares of every person or persons failing to pay any installment so required at a reasonable period not less than sixty days after the time by them appointed for the payment thereof they shall have full powers to regulate tolls to make such covenants and agreements with any person coepartnership or body politic whatsoever as the construction and management of the works and the convenience and interest of the company may require and in general to superintend and direct all the operations receipts disbursements and other proceedings of the company Provided That no installment called in at any one time shall exceed ten dollars per share and that no installment shall be called for by the directors without at least thirty days notice thereof in the newspapers hereinbet ore named SEO 9 The directors chosen as aforesaid shall issue a certificate to each stockholder for the number of shares he or she may subscribe for or hold in said corporation signed by the president and countersigned by the secretary and sealed with the common seal subject however to all payments due or to become due thereon which stock shall be transferable in person or by attorney exAnnusl ecutors administrators guardians or trustees under such regulations as may be provided for in the bylaws of said company Smo 10 At each annual meeting of the stockholders for the purpose of electing directors the directors of the preceding year shall exhibit to them a complete statement of the affairs and doings of said company for such year and special meetings of the stockholders may be called by order of the directors or by stockholders holding one fourth of the capital stock on like notice as that required for annual meetings specifying morever the object 0t such meeting but no business shall be transacted at such spe cial meeting unless a majority in value of the stockholders shall attend in person or by proxy SEO 11 The said company shall have power to locate and construct a single or double track railroad from the village of Geneva in the county of Walworth to the town of Burlington in the county of Racine and shall have power to transport take and carry property and persons upon the same by power and force of steam of animals or any mechanical or other ower or by any combination of them and they shall a so have power to make con struct_and erect all such side tracks turn outs and connect ing tracks and also such ware houses toll houscs machine shopr carriages cars and other works and appendages as may be necessary for the convenience of the company for the use of said railroad and also to connect said railroad and operate the same with other railroads and branch railroads in the state of Wisconsin and consolidate the capi tel stock of the said company with the capital stock of any railroad company in this state with which the road of the said companies shall intersect and shall have full power to place the road of the company and its capital stock so consolidated under the direction of ajoint board of directors ot not less than nine nor more than fifteen to be chosen on such terms as the directors of the companies consolidating their capical stock shall agree upon Pro vided however Said company shall not have power to con solidate its capital stock with any railroad company out of this state SEO 12 If said corporation shall not within three years from the passage of this act commence the construction of said railroad then the rights privileges and powers of said corporation under this act shall be void SEO 13 It shall be lawful for said company their officers engineers and agents to enter upon any land for the pur pose of exploring surveying and locating the route of said road doing thereto no unnecessary damage and when the said route shall be determined by the said company it shall be lawful for them their agents oflicers engineers contractors and servants at any time to enter upon take possession of and use such lands not exceeding one hundred and thirty feet in width along the line of said route subject hovvever to the payment of such compensationas the company may have agreed to pay therefor or such as shall be ascertained in the manner hereafter directed and provided in such cases respectively and said company are further authorized by their officers engineers agents and servants to enter upon lands adjacent to the beyond the limits of one hundred and thirty feet in the manner provided in this act when necessary for purp0 e of erecting depot building station houses necessary fixtures for the operation and for the of said road and for the purpose of making drains giving proper direction to water courses across or along said road when the same are necessary beyond the limits of said road and to remove all substances and things which might endanger obstruct or interfere with the free use of said road and to deposit earth gravel and stone taken from cuts and to obtain earth gravel stone and other materials for embankments and structures necessary to the construction and repairs of said read doing however no unnecessary dams e and all lands so acquired and all damage which she 1 be done to any lands or property under the provisions of this section shall be ascertained and paid for in the manner and agreeably to the provisions hereinafter provided and when such damage shall have been paid for or tendered the title of the land occupied by such fixtures excavations and embankments shall vest in fee simple in said com any Sso 14 When the sai corporation cannot agree with the owner or owners of such rtquired land for the pur chase thereof or when by reason of the legal incapacity or absence of any such owner or owners no such agreementor urchase can be made then and in that case it shall be awful for any judge of the supreme court of this state on application of the said company and at cost and charge of said company to appoint three disinterested persons residing in the counties through which the said road runs whose duty it shall be to view and examine the lands so taken with the buildings and improvements if any thereon and to estimate the value of the land so taken or required by the said company and all damages which the owner or owners thereof may sustain or may have sustained by reason of the taking of the same for the construction and use ofsaid road or works appertaining thereto taking into consideration the advantages as we as disadvantages ot the same by means of the construction and operation of said road to said owner or owners and it shall be the duty of the said company to give three weeks notice of their application to the judge of the supreme court for the appointment of said commissioners to be published for thrre successive weeks in a newspaper published at the capital of this state and also in a newspaper published in each of the counties through which said rogd may be located and the affidavit of the publisher or printer shall be legal evidence of such publication and the persons so appointed before entering upon the discharge of such duties shall take before some justice of the peace or other person competent by law to administer oaths faithfully and to the best of their abilities to examine the land so taken or required by said company and impartially to estimate and appraise the value of the same and the damage or injury which the owner or owners thereof shall have sustained or may su tain by reason of the taking and using thereof by the said company over and above the benefits and advantages which may accrue to such owner or owners as aforesaid and shall make a re in writing of such valuation under their hands and seals to the circuit courtof the county where the land lies and shall return the same within thirty days after their appointment to the clerk of the circuit coint of the county in which they reside and it shall be the duty of the said clerk to filethe saine and in case no appraisal shall be made within thirty days after the filing of said report as hereinafter provided then the said clerk shall record the same at the expense of said company and judgment of the said court shall be entered thereon on motion of either party at any tt l lll of said court Provided That either party may appeal to said court within thirty days after said report shall have been filed in the clerk's olfice and such appeal shall be tried in the same manner as other issues are tried in said court and the jury empauclled to try the same shall find the value of the land so taken or required by said company and the damage which the owner or owners thereof shall have sustained or may sustain by the taking of the same over and above the benefits which shall accrue to such owner or owners from the construction of such railroad and jud ment of the court shall be entered accordin 1y Provide also That it shall not be lawful for the said commissioners or said court to proceed in the assessment of damages or in the valuation of any lands or materials as aforesaid in the absence of the owner or owners thereof his her or their agents or attorney unless it shall be shown to them by competent testimony that the said owner or owners have had at lest five days notice of the time and place at which such assessment or valuation was to be made or that the said owner or owners are absent from the state of Wisconsin and if the said owner or owners shall be miners or m compos mantis or absent from the state the service or notice nihy be made on the guardian or trustee if there be any or in such manner as the court may direct Provided That upon the making and filing of any report as aforesaid and payment or legal tender of bhewount of any valuation or appraisal specified therein to the owner or owners of any such lands his her their legal representatives the said company their agents or the contracting or repairing said railroad may immediately take and use the same without awaiting the of any appeal brought thereon Sec 15 Whenever any judgment shall have been entered as hereinbei ore provided for the value of any or for any damages for the takinn and using of the same and the amountspeciiied in such judgment shall have paid or tendered to the owner or owners oi such lands his or or their legal representatives the said company she be entitled to easement of the same so long as it shall used for the track of said railroad depot building houses and necessary fixtures and if such valuation not received when tendered it may at any time be received or may be collected from said by action at law at the cost and expense of the person persons entitled to the same Provided That the cost any proceeding and judgments specified in the last preceding section shall be taxed by the court and paid said company except in cases where upon appeal the verdict of the jury shall be for the same or a less sum that reported by the said commissioners Sm 16 The said railroad shall be so constructed as to impede or obstruct the free use and passage of any public road or roads which may cross the same and in places where such railroad may cross or in any way intertere with any public road it shallbe the duty ot said company to make or cause to be made asutlicient causeway passage way to enable all persons travelling such road to pass over or under such railroad without inconve nience Provided That in cases where said railroad cross or come in contact with any public or private road so as to occupy any part of such road it shall be for said company to construct said railroad across or such road after altering and putting the same in as good condition as before and for that purpose the said company shall previous tooccupying any part of said road construct anew road in part or in whole as may be necessary on ground adjacent to such road and in every respect complete such newly constructed road or part of a road so interfered with as substantially as it was previous to the disturbance and occupancy thereof by said company For the convenience of persons owning or os sessing lands through which said road shall pass it s all be the duty of said company when required to make a good and suflicient passage way over or under said railroad whenever the same may be necessary to enable the occupants of said lands to pass over or under the same with wagons carts and implements of husbandry as occa sion may require Provided That said company shall in no case be required to make more than one such passage way for each farm and when any public road shall cross such railroad in any farm the person owning or such farm shall not be entitled to require said company make any additional causeway I Sm 18 This act shall be construed favorably to the purposes intended and the same is hereby be a public act and copies thereof published authority of the state of Wisconsin shall he received evidence thereof SEO 19 Any person who shall wilfully and maliciously any obstruction upon the track of said read or re move or damage any part thereof in such a manner the engine or cars may be impeded or thrown 011 the track shall be guilty of a misdemeanor whether such result shall happen or not and shall be punished for every such offence by imprisonment in the states prison for a not less than one nor more than five years at the discretion of the court and in case any damage shall from the placing such obstructions or injury to said read such party shall be liable to pay all such damage to company and to any other person damaged or thereby and in case any accident shall happen in consequence of placing such obstructions or in consequence the wilful and malicious breaking or injuring said read whereby death may be produced the party so shall be adjudged guilty of murder in the first degree shall be punished agreeably to the law in such cases and provided Sec 20 The said railroad company are hereby author ized and fully empowered in their corporate name and capacity to borrow any sum or sums of money from any person corporation or body politic of any kind and for any rate of interest that may he agreed upon by and between the company and any person or party of whom such money may be obtained and make and execute in their corporate name all necessary writings notes drafts bonds or other papers and make execute and deliver such securities in amount and kind as may be deemed expedient by said corporation any law on the subject of usury in this state or any other state to the contrary not withstanding and the powers of said corporation for the purposes aforesaid and for all purposes necessary in car tying out the object of said company and the contracts and ofiicial acts of said company are hereby declared bindingin law and equity upon said corporation and all other parties to said contracts Sac 21 This act shall be in force from and after its pasfage and it shall be lawful for said company to purchase ands adjoining or adjacent to said railroad for the purpose of procuring earth gravel stone or other materials for the construction and repair of said road or buildings and fixtures connected therewith and whenever such lands shall no longer be needed for the purposes aforesaid the said company are hereby authorized to sell and convey the same Sac 22 In case there shall be incumbrancrs upon the land taken as hereinhefore provided it shall be sufiicient for the said company to deposit the amount of damages assessed as herein provided with the clerk of the circuit court of the county where the land lies to be paid over by the said clerk to the owner ofsaid land or his lawfully authorized agent upon the removal of the said incumbrances Sac 23 It the said company shall consolidate their capital stock with any other railroad company the joint board of directors may adopt such name as they may see fit or merge the name of either company into the name of the other and said company so formed may adopt the charter of either company by resolution and shall after said adoption have all the powers and exercise all the rights privileges and franchises of the charterso adopted and shall cause to be filed with the secretary of state under the seal of said company a certified copy of said resolution Sso 24 The franchises privileges and immunities hereby granted to said railroad company shall be null and void in five years from and after the passage of this act should said company fail to have five miles of said railroad constructed and in actual operation within that time See 25 The said Geneva and Burlington railroad company are hereby authorized to extend their railroad and construct the same southwesterly from Geneva to some point on the line between the states of Wisconsin and Illinois and all the provisions of this act shall govern said company in the construction and management of said extended road the same as between the points named in the second section of this act SEO 26 This act shall be in force and go into effect from and after its passage and publication Approved March 29 1856

Milwaukee & Geneva Railroad

From: Biennial Report of the Railroad Commissioner of the State of Wisconsin, period ending 6/30/1888

Incorporated Dec 17, 1887.  Stock = $!,650,000
From а point in at or near the city of Milwaukee in the county of Milwaukee in the state of Wisconsin and extend thence south southwesterly in the state of Wisconsin through the counties of Milwaukee Waukesha Racine and Walworth to a point in the town of Walworth on the state line dividing the county of Walworth in the state of Wisconsin from the of in the state of Illinois

Wisconsin Midland

From: Biennial Report of the Railroad Commissioner of the State of Wisconsin, period ending 6/30/1888

From the city of Fond du Lac northerly to a point on the line between the states of Wisconsin and Michigan and between the west line of range ten east and the east line of range eighteen east called the main line with a branch to Sturgeon Bay Door county designated the Peninsular Branch also an ex tension of the main line southerly to the state line between Illinois and Wisconsin designated as the southern extension

<NBT: I have also seen references of a Fond du Lac to Madison line>

Chicago, Lake Geneva & Pacific Railroad

From: Biennial Report of the Railroad Commissioner of the State of Wisconsin, period ending 6/30/1888

Incorporated Jan 19 1887

 E Burton Robert Cobb Charles Palmatier William H Con er WW Bying0011 George M Eâterly A Kennedy

Stock: $2,000,000

From Lake Geneva in the county of Walworth and state of Wisconsin by way of Elkhorn and Whitewater to the city of Portage in Columbia county Wisconsin

Milwaukee Terminal & Traffic

From Railroad Gazette Vol 32

Feb 9 1900 MILWAUKEE TERMINAL & TRAFFIC Ordinance introduced into the City Council at Milwaukee Wis granting it franchise to this company to build a belt line around the city from North Milwaukee to the town of Lake on the south with a spur from that point south to connect at Waukegan with an extension of the Chicago Belt Line To be completed within two years Feb 9 1900

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

MIlwaukee Peoria & St. Louis Railway

A man named F. W. Cherry came
through this area in 1911 and obtained
right-of-way options from some of the resi-
dents in exchange for which they recei\'ed
stock in the "Milwaukee Peoria, and St.
Louis R.R. Co." From the Marshall County
Historical Society, the following informa-
tion appeared in an article written in 1964
about Lacon's hope of getting a railroad.
"Around the turn of the century and for
several decades later, a promoter named
Cherry made sporadic visits to the city
and on each occasion fanned the embers
of hope. He made at least one trip to
Europe looking for capital. The money was
not forthcoming, either here or abroad, and
Cherry's visits came at longer intervals,
then ceased. The graying embers of hope
died." Those of Partridge residents died


About the year 1878 Dalrymple acquired a controlling interest in the Milwaukee and Dubuque Railroad. This was a successor to the Milwaukee and Beloit Railroad, a farm mortgage line of the decade of the fifties that had never built a single mile of track. Elaborate plans were renewed for financing the road. A reorganization of the company in 1887 under the title of the Milwaukee, Peoria, and St. Louis Railroad indicated expanding ambitions and a change of route, but no portion of the road was put into operation during Dalrymple's life-time.;cc=wiarchives;view=text;rgn=main;didno=uw-whs-wis000mo

Milwaukee & Southern Wisconsin Narrow Gauge

Milwaukee to Beloit; partially graded in 1874 but no rails ever laid:

Marengo, Lake Geneva & Northern

Browne, A. T. - President of Marengo, Lake Geneva & Northern Railway. (Illinois PUC 1915, p 1312)


Born at Des Moines, 7 October 1867, of Hamilton Browne (coal operator)

and Mary Louise Napier.
Fitted at Phillips Exeter.
Class Status: Regular A.B.

Married Clara Louise Holmdale at Minneapolis, 9 October 1901. Children:
Hamilton, 2d, born 26 June 1905.
Daughter, 23 February 1909.
Now in electrical construction at Chicago.

" Graduated from University of Wisconsin Law School, De-
gree LL.B., 1894. Worked as a clerk in a law office in Chicago
for two years. I then went to Boone, Iowa. Practised law;
referee in bankruptcy for six years ; attorney for railway and
coal companies. Gradually worked into railway work entirely
and came to Chicago in fall of 1905. Since then I have been
engaged, with my father, in the promotion and building of
the Elgin & Belvidere Electric Company and the Marengo,
Lake Geneva & Northern Railway — both interurban electric

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Milwaukee Terminal -- & -- Milwaukee, Galesburg & Southern.

Milwaukee Galesburg & Southern
-Afton Wis to Louisiana Mo 400 miles Robert A Young New York City

Milwaukee Terminal
-Terminal line at Milwaukee 3 miles incorporated WD Van Dyke president Milwaukee Wis

Milwaukee Southern

Rock Island Argus  July 30 1903

CONDEMING WAY FOR LONG ELECTRIC ROAD - The most extensive electrical railway yet to be projected is that for which the Milwaukee Southern Rail way company was incorporated at Milwaukee, to . build from that city to East St.; Louis via. Burlington, Wis., and Rockford, Ill. Already condemnation proceedings have been commenced for the right of way, and large terminal facilities are being. arranged at Milwaukee .for the railway which was incorporated about a year ago with a nominal capital in the state of Illinois, and with a large capital in Wisconsin. It is backed by Milwaukee capitalists, who are in close touch with eastern financial circles, and seem to have ready money. In the condemnation proceedings at Milwaukee before Judge Tarrant there are 152 pieces of property. The road taps a territory which has not been invaded by railroads. From Milwaukee to Burlington it passes through a lake region, and from Burlington to Rockford it strikes Lake Geneva and good farming territory which has no immediate railroad connection. Out of Rockford, it is expected the road will run nearly directly south to Mendota and Jacksonville, Ill though the route is not announced by the officials. The fact that court proceedings have been commenced seems to indicate that the promoters really mean business in the matter, and hope to push the line.

Railway Age Dec 13, 1905

Milwaukee Southern this company has officially announced that it proposes to build a railroad from Milwaukee Wis to a connection with the Illinois lowa & Minnesota RR at DeKalb Ill

From The Railway Age  March 23, 1906

 Milwaukee Wis to Aurora Ill 109 miles.

Engineering World June 6, 1906

Milwaukee Southern RR Frank Foster Railroad Contractor of Elgin III Is reported as stating that Weston Bros Minneapolis expect to complete their contract for building this line by October of this year He also states that this line will be a feeder to the Illinois Central and will be vised as a coal hauling Hue for Southern Illinois mines to deliver their coal at Milwaukee and adjacent cities Estimated cost $30,000 per mile Present surveys are for a line from Aurora 111 to Milwaukee Wis

 HC Wood president 601 New York Life Building EM Spaulding CE Milwaukee Wis

June 29, 1906

MILWAUKEE JUNCTION Incorporated in Wisconsin by the promoters of the Milwaukee Southern to build terminal lines for that road at Milwaukee The capital stock is $25,000 and the incorporators are HC Wood Chicago FW Rogers L Kitauf EN Spaulding and SE Hall all of Milwaukee

Minneapolis Journal July 26, 1906,

BIG SYSTEMS HEAD FOR MILWAUKEE NEW LINE OFFERS CONNECTIONS AND TERMINALS. Burlington, Wabash and Illinois Central Roads Said to Plan Trackage or Traffic Relations with Milwaukee Southern, Which Is to Construct Air Line to East St. Louis. Half Fare .to State Paitr^ Milwaukee, July 20.That Milwaukee may be placed on the direct lines of the Burlington, the Wabash and the Illinois Central systems is declared to be a probability, providing the Milwaukee Southern railway succeeds in building to this city and securing a desirable West Side terminal. The visit to Milwaukee on Monday evening of H. D. Judson, general superintendent of the Illinois district of the Burlington system, in company with an attorney, is said to have been to ascertain as quietly as possible just what terminal property the Milwaukee Southern controls in this city. This information, it is said, is desired by the officials of the Burlington preparatory to the consideration of a fines iroposal to enter Milwaukee over the of the Southern from DeKalb or Rockford, HI., under a traffic agreement to swhich the Southern would be a willing party. The Southern is the road which proposes an airline from East St. Louis and has already secured a right of way into this city.

Railway World March 29, 1907

A Chicago Belt Line It is rumored that the Illinois Iowa and Minnesota is now negotiating for the entrance to Milwaukee over the Milwaukee Southern The Illinois Iowa and Minnesota is in operation between Aurora and Rockford 111 as a belt line connecting several western and southern railroads The Illinois Indiana and Gary is designed to complete the belt service about Chicago into Gary Ind the steel corporation homestead

Staunton, IL Star Times Aug-Oct 1907

A New Railroad Combination

Hill owns Walsh's Road and will Consolidate with Wisconsin Lines

Milwaukee, Wis - Rumor has the Wisconsin Central in a combination with the Milwaukee Southern and the Chicago & Indiana road of John R. Walsh, which was recently sold to James J. Hill and eventually the three roads will be turned over to Mr. Hill

These roads will tap every trunk line entering Chicago.

Railroad Gazette Vol 43

Wisconsin Central The suit between the Wisconsin Central and the Milwaukee Southern over the right of way in the Menominee valley has been withdrawn by the Milwaukee Southern and the Wisconsin Central can now build Into Milwaukee The Milwaukee Southern had a franchise from the city council for entrance into Milwaukee but it was unable to raise sufficient capital to carry out the project Condemnation proceedings started and won by the Milwaukee Southern have been dismissed

March 5, 1906 city ordinance

MILWAUKEE SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY AN ORDINANCE Granting the Milwaukee Southern Railway Company authority to lay tracks on and across certain streets and alleys and to maintain and operate a railroad in the City of Milwaukee Wisconsin The Mayor and Common Council of the City ot Milwaukee do ordain as follows Section 1 That authority be and the same hereby is given and granted to the Milwaukee Southern Railway Company a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the state of Wisconsin to construct and lay down within the term of three 3 years next following the acceptance of this ordinance by said company as hereinafter provided time being of the very essence and thenceforth maintain and operate a railroad and conduct the business of operating and transporting engines and cars propelled by steam or other reasonably safe and efficient motive power subject to the limitations and conditions hereinafter provided with one or more tracks together with all the necessary switches spurs sidings turnouts crossovers and all appurtenances necessary for the operation of such railroad along and upon the route hereinafter described and on adjoining lands and track connections with any railroad now orhereafter constructed in the city of Milwaukee county of Milwaukee Wisconsin and with any manufacturing and industrial establishments on or near said route which said route is substantially as follows a In the area included within the following boundaries Between First avenue on the east to the eastern boundary line of Mitchell park and from the western boundary of Mitchell park to the western boundary line of the city of Milwaukee and between Lake street and Lake street extended on the north and South Pierce street and South Pierce street extended on the south b In the area included within the following boundaries Fifth street on the east and the western boundary line of the city of Milwaukee on the west and between Sycamore street and Sycamore street extended on the north and the right of way line of the Chicago Milwaukee & St Paul Railway Company on the south It is understood that the routes herein mentioned shall consist of rights of way not to exceed one hundred feet in width for a standard gauge steam railway to begin in the west boundary line of said city at points to be designated by said grantee but within the lines of said areas and from thence to extend to points within the said areas That said grantee shall within one year from and after the passage and acceptance of this ordinance elect where within the areas above described it will locate said rights of way and shall file written notice of said election in the office of the city clerk of said city together with a description and map of the location of said rights of way and thereupon all rights hereby granted in or to all of the territory included in each and both of said areas outside of said rights of way as thus located shall cease and determine and the provisions of this ordinance shall then extend and apply only to the territory embraced within the rights of way as thus located Section 2 Provided further that in consideration of the permission and authority to build maintain and operate said railroad by this ordinance conferred by the city of Milwaukee and in consideration further of the conveyance by the city of Milwaukee to said railway company of that certain piece or parcel of land off the northerly part of Mitchell park of said city hereinafter specifically described subject to the terms conditions and limitations hereinafter provided to be in said conveyance contained the said railway company its successors and assigns upon the date of the acceptance of this ordinance as hereinafter provided shall convey or cause to be conveyed to the city of Milwaukee by good and sufficient conveyance free and clear of all liens and incumbrances and in fee simple the following piece and parcel of land to wit That part of the northwest quarter of section thirty one 31 town seven 7 north range twenty two 22 east in the Twenty third ward of the city of Milwaukee state of Wisconsin which is bounded and described as follows to wit Commencing at the intersection of the east line of Mitchell park with the south line of said quarter section running thence east on and along the south line of said quarter section two hundred and two 202 feet to a point thence north on a line parallel to the east line of Mitchell park nine hundred and fifty five 955 feet to a point thence northwesterly on a curve of seven hundred and five 705 feet radius the tangent of said curve bears north twenty 20 degrees and three 3 minutes west three hundred and seventvfive ive 375 feet more or less to that point in the east line of Mitchell park which is two hundred and fifty 250 feet south of the south line of the right of way of the Chicago Milwaukee & St Paul Railway thence south on and along the east line of Mitchell park twelve hundred and forty nine and forty two hundredths 1,249.42 feet to the place of beginning containing five 5 acres more or less The said deed of conveyance by said Milwaukee Southern Railway Company to said city of Milwaukee shall contain in its granting clause the following recital The said lands are not required by said grantor for railroad uses and are no longer necessary to the use of the said grantor as heretofore declared by resolution of its board of directors duly adopted As a further condition of the authority hereby granted the said railway company its successors and assigns shall immediately after the acceptance of this ordinance as hereinafter provided commence and diligently continue to its final completion the construction of said railway at its own cost and expense and erect a substantial retaining wall along the northerly line of Mitchell park with a suitable wrought iron fence thereon and forever maintain the same and do certain filling and grading in said Mitchell park and erect and maintain such enclosures as may be directed by the board of park commissioners along the easterly boundary of said Mitchell park as extended all subject to the reasonable approval of said board of park commissioners of said city of Milwaukee and as said board may reasonably order and direct Section 3 The said railway company is hereby authorized ized to construct and maintain its said railroad tracks across and upon any and all streets and alleys which its routes shall intersect or touch and to cross all railroad tracks upon or along the line of the said routes as designated in the preceding sections said company to be subject at all times to the reasonable direction of the board of public works or other proper department or officer of said city in the construction of its said tracks in making the crossings or connections with other roads and the keeping in repair of so much of said streets alleys and crossings as may be occupied by said railway company with its tracks switches and turn outs and subject to such change of elevation depression and grade as may from time to time be prescribed by the common council of the said city of Milwaukee and said company shall maintain construct and operate its railway on such grades as have heretofore been or hereafter may be established by the said city of Milwaukee and in case the common council shall at any time change the grade of any street or streets upon under or over which the railway tracks of said company shall be laid said railway company shall within a reasonable time regrade the portion of the street occupied by it and re lay at its own expense its track or tracks to correspond to such grade and the said Milwaukee Southern Railway Company shall construct and maintain at its own expense such bridges viaducts tunnels or other conveniences at public crossings as the common council may at any time hereafter deem necessary and in case it shall be decided by the proper authorities of said city of Milwaukee to pave macadamize or repair any street or part thereof crossed by the line of said proposed track or any other track the said railway company may lay in the future said company shall pay a just and equitable part of the expenses of such construction or repair of said streets or highways the same to be determined by the common council subject to review by a court of competent jurisdiction and shall at its own expense pave macadamize or repair and keep in good repair such streets upon or over which its track and tracks may hereafter be laid between the rails and one foot on the outside thereof including also such portion of such street as lies between its tracks or the main tracks and switches of said company so that said pavement or macadam or repair shall correspond to and be identical with the pavement or macadam and repair of said street adjacent thereto Section 4 In consideration of the conveyance by the said railway company to the city of Milwaukee of the tract of land hereinbefore described the said city of Milwaukee hereby agrees by quitclaim deed of conveyance to convey to the said Milwaukee Southern Railway Company upon the date of the acceptance of this ordinance as hereinafter provided all its right title and interest in and to the following described piece and parcel of land subject however at all times to the terms conditions limitations and restrictions to be contained in said conveyance hereinafter provided to wit A strip of land in the northwest quarter of section thirty one 31 town seven 7 north range twenty two 22 east in the city of Milwaukee and state of Wisconsin the same lying along the northerly side of Mitchell park in the Twenty third 23d ward of the said city and bounded and described as follows Commencing at the intersection of the west line of Mitchell park with the south right of way line of the Chicago Milwaukee & St Paul Railway Company running thence south on and along the west line of Mitchell park to a point whose rectangular distance is sixty six 66 feet from said south right of way line thence easterly on a curve parallel to the south line of the aforesaid right of way line to a point which is five hundred twenty 520 feet west of the east line of Mitchell park thence southeasterly on a curve of sever hundred five 705 feet radius to the point of intersection with the east line of Mitchell park said point of intersection being two hundred fifty 250 feet south of the intersection of the east line of Mitchell park with the south right of way line of Chicago Milwaukee & St Paul Railway Company thence north along the east line of Mitchell park two hundred fifty 250 feet to the intersection with the south right of way line of said Chicago Milwaukee & St Paul Railway Company thence westerly on and along the south right of way line of said railway to the intersection with the west line of Mitchell park being the place of beginning containing three and one half 3 acres more or less Provided that in the event that said railway is not built within the corporate limits of the city of Milwaukee and over said strip of land in said Mitchell park and in active operation as and for railroad purposes both passenger and freight within three years from the acceptance of this ordinance by said Milwaukee Southern Railway Company time being of the essence of the consideration for the conveyance of said strip of land in Mitchell park by the city of Milwaukee to said Milwaukee Southern Railway Company as well as all and singular the provisions visions of this ordinance the piece or parcel of land last above described and mentioned shall revert to and again be the property of said city of Milwaukee free and clear of all incumbrances with all buildings structures and appurtenances thereon any mortgage or other liens placed thereon shall be null and void and the said city of Milwaukee shall immediately upon such failure have the right of re entry without notice to said railway company and without any overt act declaratory of such re entry on the part of said city of Milwaukee and the said instrument of conveyance by the said city of Milwaukee to the said Milwaukee Southern Railway Company shall contain the following conditions in the language here following to wit This conveyance is made upon the express condition that the said grantee build and operate within the corporate limits of the city of Milwaukee and over said strip of land herein described a certain railway the same to be in active operation for railroad purposes both passenger and freight within three years from the acceptance of a certain ordinance of the said city of Milwaukee entitled An ordinance granting the Milwaukee Southern Railway Company authority to lay tracks on and across certain streets and alleys and to maintain and operate a railroad in the city of Milwaukee Wisconsin adopted by the common council of said city of Milwaukee on the day of 190 and that time is of the essence of the consideration upon which the said grantor conveys the herein described land to said grantee as well as all and singular the provisions of said ordinance and that in case the said grantee does not so construct and operate said railway within the time aforesaid and comply with all and singular the provisions of said ordinance and further that if at the expiration of said period of three years said Milwaukee Southern Railway Company shall have acquired said rights of way and laid its tracks thereon then every other railway company then desiring ingress to said city shall have the right to use and enjoy said tracks and operate cars trains and locomotives thereon subject and pursuant to the terms of said ordinance then and in that event the said parcel of land hereinbefore described with all buildings structures and appurtenances thereon shall revert to and revest in said city of Milwaukee free and clear of all incumbrances and any mortgage or other liens placed thereon shall be null and void and the said city of Milwaukee shall immediately upon such failure without notice to said railway company and without any overt act on the part of said city of Milwaukee have the right of re entry Section 5 The authority hereby granted and the conveyance by the city to said railway company hereinbefore directed and authorized are and shall be upon the further express condition that the said Milwaukee Southern Railway Company shall during the continuance of this ordinance allow any other railroad company except the Chicago Milwaukee & St Paul Railway Company the Chicago & Northwestern Railway Company and the Milwaukee Electric Railway & Light Company as well as each and every railroad now owning railroad tracks within Milwaukee county and their respective successors lessees and assigns to use any of its tracks within the county of Milwaukee for railroad purposes upon paying a reasonable compensation therefor inclusive of passenger depot and depots jointly with the said Milwaukee Southern   Railway company upon such terms as may be agreed upon by said railway companies In case the said companies cannot agree as to such reasonable compensation and terms the matter shall be determined without delay by three disinterested arbitrators one to be chosen by said Milwaukee Southern Railway Company one by the said railway company so desiring to use such tracks and those two to chose a third arbitrator and in the event that such two arbitrators cannot agree upon a third within three months from the date of their appointment or in case either of said companies shall not appoint an arbitrator within thirty days from the date of demand therefor by such railroad company or companies so desiring to use such tracks such arbitrator or arbitrators shall be appointed by any person who shall be a judge of the circuit court of Milwaukee county upon application of either party having given notice of such application to the other The decision of the arbitrators shall be in writing and signed by them and the compensation and conditions fixed by their decision or by the decision of a majority of them shall be final and such other railroad company shall be allowed to operate thereunder until such decision is finally determined not to be reasonable by some court of competent jurisdication and in case such court shall determine such decision to be unreasonable the court shall determine what is a reasonable charge to be paid and what are reasonable conditions of such use All the terms and conditions of this ordinance shall apply to and govern the operation of said railroad by said Milwaukee Southern Railway Company as well as its use by any and all other railroads in all territory which is now or shall hereafter be included within the corporate limits of the city of Milwaukee Provided further that any period of time during which the said railway company shall be delayed by any injunction or other legal proceedings in good faith adversary to said company shall be added to the three 3 years limit aforesaid And this ordinance is granted upon the further express condition that if the said company shall cease at any time after the completion of its lines of railroad for a period of over sixty 60 days to actively operate and use said tracks and right of way within the said city as and for railroad purposes both passenger and freight except by permission for non user duly granted by the common council of said city then said company shall be subject to all of the same forfeitures penalties and liabilities as provided in this ordinance Provided further that said company shall at all times save harmless the city of Milwaukee from all judgments costs or all damages which said city may have to pay by reason of the negligent construction or want of repair of that portion of the streets which said Milwaukee Southern Railway Company as hereinbefore provided is required to construct and keep in repair or by reason of the negligent maintenance or operation of said company's road and shall be liable to the city for all damages by it sustained through the negligent operation of its road Section 6 All the provisions of this ordinance shall be binding upon and shall run in favor of the successors lessees or assigns of the saidl Milwaukee Southern Railway Company including each and every other railroad company which shall hereafter use its tracks as herein provided provided however that the words successors lessees and assigns shall in every case exclude any and all railroads now owning railroad tracks within Milwaukee county and also their respective successors lessees and assigns Section 7 The time in which any act is to be done or performed by said grantee according to the terms of this ordinance may be extended by the common council of said city whenever it shall be made to appear that said grantee has proceeded in good faith and with reasonable diligence and that it has been prevented from doing the same within the time herein limited by causes beyond its control Section 8 Before said railway company shall exercise any of the rights privileges or franchises provided for in this ordinance it shall file with the city clerk of said city its written acceptance of said agreement to all of the terms and conditions contained in this ordinance and in no event shall this ordinance or any provision thereof take effect until such acceptance and agreement is filed and if said railway company shall fail neglect or refuse to file said acceptance and agreement as herein required within 30 days from and after the passage and publication hereof then this ordinance and all and singular provisions shall stand for naught the same as though it had never been passed Section 9 Whenever the word grantee is used herein it shall be deemed to mean the Milwaukee Southern Railway company its successors and assigns and wherever the words Milwaukee Southern Railway company are used herein it shall be deemed to mean the Milwaukee Southern Railway Company its successors and assigns except as to those railway companies expressly excepted from the provisions hereof Section 10 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication and acceptance within thirty days herein above provided Passed March 5 1906 CORNELIUS CORCORAN President of the Common Council EDWIN HINKEL City Clerk Approved March 5 1906 DAVID S ROSE Mayor

Milwaukee, Peoria & St. Louis Ry

From The Railway Age  March 23, 1906

Milwaukee Peoria & St Louis McNabb to Peoria 50 miles

Railway Age Gazette Vol 51

Milwaukee Peoria & St Louis
An officer writes that the prospects of building are good but contracts are not yet let for a line from a point opposite the city of Peoria 111 on the east bank of the Illinois river north crossing the Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe thence via Lacon and Hennepin to Rockford about 120 miles Connection is to be made with the Chicago Milwaukee & St Paul at the Chicago Indiana & Southern bridge at Depue Maximum grades will be 5 of 1 per cent maximum curvature 3 degrees The right of way has been secured from Peoria to Depue and about one half of the line has been located The company expects to develop a traffic in coal from the fields located at the southern end of the line FW Cherry Princeton is back of the project B Schreiner chief engineer

Engineering & Contracting, Vol 37

The Milwaukee Peoria & St Louis RR Co projecting a line from Peoria to Rock ford has secured a large part of its right of way Construction work at the southern end of the line may be started some time in May As outlined this line starts on the east side of the river at Peoria runs along the east bank of Marshall Hennepin county seat of Putnam which town now has no railroad connection crosses the river at Depue using the trackage of the New York Central lines for the bridge and into Seatonville thence to Rockford Frank B Reid Chicago 111 is President Robert D Clarke Peoria 111 is Vice president and George E Stocking of Rochelle is Treasurer

Moodys Manual of investments - 1919

CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY NOTE This analysis is based on official documents of the company including its annual reports of the past ten years For Definitions and Key to Ratings see pages 19 26 Origin Incorporated under Illinois laws June 7 1859 as successor to Chicago St Paul & Fond du Lac RR operating from Chicago to Fond du Lac Wis about 177 miles Extensions were made from time to time and construction of further lines added to the length of the system The Sioux City & Pacific RR was acquired in 1901 and the Fremont Elkhorn & Missouri Valley was formally absorbed in 1903 In 1909 the company purchased the Manitowoc Green Bay & Northwestern and the Milwaukee & State Line Ry In 1910 11 the Sioux City Dakota & Northwestern and the Lee County Ry were acquired These and other lines were built in the interest of the main company Among the lines recently organized are the Belle Fourche Valley Ry the James River Valley & Northwestern Ry Milwaukee Peoria & St Louis RR the Milwaukee Sparta & Northwestern Ry and the St Louis Peoria & Northwestern Ry

Monday, January 12, 2015

Map of the Milwaukee & St. Louis Air Line

From an 1874 edition of the "Wisconsin Lumberman".  A high resolution image is available here.

Note that while it seems to follow the Alton from Varna to Washburn, it also includes a proposed portion from Washington, IL to Springfield, IL via Fremont, Delevan, & Middletown.  I am guessing here but perhaps St. Louis would be reached via trackage rights from Springfield?  I only say that due to the lack of online towns shown between St. Louis & Springfield.  With the numerous references to Varna in other places I would assume that the route shown includes using the Chicago & Alton between Varna and Washington, IL.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Illinois Report on the Milwaukee & St. Louis Air Line

Annual Report of the Railroad and Warehouse Commission of the Illinois Volume 4


TO THE Commissioners of Railroads and Warehouses of the State of Illinois For the year ending June 30 1874

Joshua Stark President Milwaukee Wis
TD Brewster Vice President Peru
WG Parsons Secretary Milwaukee Wis
John Black Treasurer Milwaukee Wis

General offices at Milwaukee Wis

Board of Directors Address
 Edward P Allis Milwaukee Wis
John Black Milwaukee Wis
George Burnham Milwaukee Wis
Guido Ptister Milwaukee Wis
John H Van Dyke Milwaukee Wis
Joshua Stark Milwaukee Wis
RW PierceMilwaukee Wis
 Philo Belden Rochester Wis
 Charles L Cellum Sycamore Ill
TD Brewster Peru Ill
CC Merrick I Chicago Ill
JH Johnson Woodstock Ill
CW Marsh Sycamore Ill


Charter termini are Varna in Illinois and Milwaukee Wisconsin

Length of proposed line from Milwaukee to Varna via Richmoud Sycamore Mendota and Peru Ill is about 160 miles

Prospects of completion at present very promising

DEBTS None GENERAL REMARKS The Milwaukee and St Louis Air Line R y Co was formed in the fall of 1873 by the consolidation of the Milwaukee and Northern Illinois RR Co a Wisconsin company with the Varna Peru Mendota and State Line RR Co formed under the general laws of Illinois. Several vears since the right of way was procured and work of grading done on several miles of its line by the Wisconsin Company in the State of Wisconsin.

 No work has been done on the line in Illinois except the making of a preliminary survey in the winter of 1873 and 1874 since which all effort has been suspended to prosecute the enterprise The officers of the consolidated Company are not prepared to give a detailed statement in answer to the above questions the facts not being within their knowledge.

 State of Wisconsin County of Milwaukee
Joshua Stark President


Wm G Parsons Secretary of the Milwaukee and St Louis Air Line Railway Company being duly sworn depose and say that they have caused the foregoing statements to be prepared by the proper officers and agents of this Company and having carefully examined the same declare them to be a true full and correct statement of the condition and affairs of said Company on the 1st day of July AD 1874 to the best of their knowledge and belief or so far as they are now able to make the same Signed JOSHUA STARK RR Seal WM G PARSONS Subscribed and sworn to before me at Milwaukee Wis this 24th day of October AD 1874 Notarial Seal J EDW E JOHNSON Notary Public Milwaukee Co Wis Milwaukee and St Louis Air Line Railway 321

And yet more on the Milwaukee & St. Louis Air Line

All notes below from: Annual Report of the Milwaukee Grain & Stock Exchange

The Milwaukee and St Louis Air Line Railroad Company was organized during the year and consolidated with a company owning a partially graded road from this city to the Illinois State line and the balance of the route surveyed to Varna 111 156 miles from Milwaukee where it enters the La Salle Coal basin and forms a continuation of an already completed road extending to St Louis The prospects are favorable for an early construction of this important line 01 railroad


LUMBER The lumber trade of Milwaukee has steadily increased during the last four years with the improved railway connections between this city and the southwest The most important outlet in that direction however is looked for in the construction of the projected Milwaukee and St Louis Air Line Kailroad in which our lumber merchants and the vast lumber interests developed by the building of the Wisconsin Central Railroad are equally interested The Western Union Railroad has given our lumber trade access to a limited portion of Northern Illinois and Iowa but the inadequacy of the rolling stock of that road and the unfortunate lack of harmony that has existed between it and connecting lines has greatly retarded business during the past year A more direct connection between Milwaukee and the Iowa Division of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway would be of the greatest advantage to our lumber merchants because it would open to thein an immense region totally bare of pine timber and at the same time put au end to the ruinous discrimination which the Milwaukee and St Paul Railway is now forced to make against Milwaukee in competing with the Chicago and Northwestern Railway for the transportation of lumber from the northern part of the state to competing points in the southwest This connection which can be accomplished by the addition of a short link to the Kenosna and Rockford branch of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway is annually becoming more essential to the latter road because of the increasing grain trade between Milwaukee and its lines in Iowa and now that the Northwestern has acquired so large an interest here this connection will become a necessity at no distant day


OJ Sale Esq President of the Chamber of Commerce Milwaukee Sir As the official year of the Chamber of Commerce is drawing to a close the Committee on Commerce and Manufactures desire to lay before you a report of some of the subjects which engaged their attention during the year and to make some suggestions for the future The Committee had their attention called early last summer to the proposed air line of railroad to St Louis passing through some of the most valuable coal fields in Illinois and correspondence was entered into with the gentlemen in Illinois who were working in the interest of the enterprise in that state Through the Committee these parties were brought into communication with the representative owners of the Milwaukee and Northern Illinois Railroad Company and after considerable negotiation and with the active aid of a sub committee of this body a combination of the whole interest was effected under the name of the Milwaukee and St Louis Air Line Railroad and upon a basis which promised to result in the speedy completion of this desirable link in our railroad connections The financial panic of last fall temporarily checked this prospect but we have good reason to believe that the work will soon be actively resumed and carried to completion The question of increased storage facilities for grain in this city was taken up by the Committee and representations made to the different roads having termini here showing the urgent need of more elevator capacity While unable to state any direct result from these efforts the Committee are glad to know that at least one large elevator is at length being built by Angus Smith & Co for use by tho Northwestern Railroad and it is confidently expected that the Milwaukee and 8t Paul Railroad will also largely increase its warehousing capacity this season

More Milwaukee & St. Louis Air Line tidbits

From the "Financier, Vol 4".  Not sure how Beloit fits into the route plan(?).

Milwaukee & St Louis Air Line

-A project for building a road from Milwaukee southwest to Varna IL to connect there with the Jacksonville division of the Chioago & Alton road is being discussed by Milwaukee people and others The estimated distances are given as follows:

From Milwaukee to .......
-state line 44
-Woodstock 55
-Sycamore 75
-Mendota 116(?)
-Peru 133
-Varna 156

The line in Wisconsin passes through Muskego Waterford Rochester Burlington Richmond and Beloit The following are names and addresses of those connected with the project Guido Pfister EH Ball WE Smith and EP Allis of Milwaukee CC Merrick of Chicago Charles Kellum Sycamore 111 JH Johnson Woodstock 111

Milwaukee Southwestern Proposal

From Engineering Record, Building Record and Sanitary Engineer, Volume 40

 Milwaukee Wis The Milwaukee Southwestern Ry Co is said to be considering the matter of constructing a railroad about 200 miles long       Marinette Wis It is stated that the Wisconsin & Michigan Ry Co will extend its road to Duluth in the spring.

From the Chicago Tribune Nov 29, 1899

County Board Votes to Assist in Building Two Hundred Miles of Railroad
Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 28.--[Special]--The County board today decided to submit to a vote of the people tho proposition of the Milwaukee and Southwestern road to build a lino from here 200 mllen to tho southwest, provided Milwaukee County purchases 800,- 000 of the preferred stock of tho road. Tho proposed road will tap tho Burlington, Illinois Central, Bock Island, and Great Northern roads In Illinois, and it Is expected will turn, a, great amount of freight to this city.

From the Interocean, Dec 30, 1899

M1LWAUKEE, Wis. V" Dec 29. Former United States Senator Warner Miller of New York. Colonel James. McNaught, formerly general counsel of the Northern Pacific rail road, and S. R. Alnslle were in Milwaukee to day. H. B. Munson find John W. Wegner, whe are taking care of the Milwaukee end of the Southwestern railroad project, left for Chicago wltb the visitors at noon. Mr. Miller said: '.- I am here In connection with th proposition to build the Milwaukee Southwestern railway. Some months' ago some Milwaukee parties came to New York with their proposition, making a statement that Milwaukee county would lend aid in building a railroad to the Southwest. Myself and associates looked over the proposition, and satisfied our selves that It was a good enterprise, and that with the aid of the county the road could be financed and built. We are still of that opinion. - "Unless the proposed aid of the county Is given we should not care to go into It, and I do not think anyone could be found who would finance It and build the road without that aid. If the citizen of Milwaukee desire to have the road constructed and believe It would be of enough benefit to the city to warrant that aid which Is asked for, they will undoubtedly vote that way. If. on the other hand, they do not think the road is wanted they will vote down the proposition. And there the matter will end. ao far aa we ar concerned. I want te say that myself and my associates hav not been th movers In this affair. The proposition waa brought to ns by people rrom Milwaukee. "I am not here to nrge the' people of Mil waukee to vote for th proposition at all. That la a matter for them to rot on from their own standpoint. I. hav been looking over the city's Industries and business, and I am entirely satisfied that a road running to the Southwest would bring a very large commerce to the city which does not come here now. and such a road would, pay." . When arked If the company Intended to file the 1300.000 bond, with the county clerk today. Senator Miller raid: . "I,am In no way connected with that matter. . I suppose the company intends to file the bond. I am going right back to Chicago to meet some parties who win are interested with us if the proposition goes through. I have not a bit of doubt tbe road will be built If the county gives tee expected support. Mr. Miller also spoke of the desirable connections the new road would make with the Wisconsin Central, the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy, and the Illinois Central. When asked if the Southwestern road would be ex-tended further Into the Southwest than the 200 mile contemplated in the formal proposition. Mr. Miller said: - "What may be done after that i do not know. - John W. Werner says the bond will be filed within a few days, and that the visit of Mr. Millier and the other <illegible> to Milwaukee has been of considerable help to the local The -visitors inspected the railroad terminals and the right o way In the Menominee valley this morning.

From the Interocean, Nov 25, 1899

The committee appointed by the mass meeting of business men to consider the propositions submitted by the Milwaukee Traffic and Terminal and the Milwaukee Southwestern Railway companies, has decided In favor of the lalter'a proposition as best calculated to serve the Interests of the city and county of Milwaukee. There will be reservations In the report, however, which will require -some changes in the proposition before it receives an us reserved recommendation from the committee. Charles Queries has been Instructed to draft the report to embody the conclusions of the committee, and a meeting will be held tomorrow afternoon at $ o'clock, when the draft -will be submitted for approval.

Dubuque Daily Herald; Jan 3, 1900

The Milwaukee and Southwestern Railroad May Touch This City. ROAD MAY BE BUILT THIS YEAR. The Shippers Would be Greatly Benefitted by This Changes on Illinois Central. One railroad will be built during the year 1900 that will cut quite a <illegible> In both western and eastern business, says the Cedar Rapids Gazette. The project Is one that should interest the people of Cedar Rapids, and the Commercial club would do a mighty good thing, to make a little Investigation of the matter. The railroad in conclusion will be known as the Milwaukee and Southwestern and during the coming year will be built at least 200 miles southwest from Milwaukee, crossing the Illinois Central and the Burlington and having a terminal for the present at some point on the Mississippi to be determined at a later date. A line <illegible> will constitute the eastern connections. Eastern and western capitalists are behind the project, among them being Warner Miller, of New York. It Is probable that the- new road will follow the line road surveyed for the Milwaukee Beloit in the fifties. A year or two before the financial panic In 1857 a number of moneyed men of Wisconsin had all arrangements made for the building of a railroad from Milwaukee to Ballot. The company was organized and had as officers, the Into Timothy 'Mower of this city being the general manager. The right of way was secured, the grading was all done, the bridges were nearly all built and the Iron was on the docks. Then came the crash and the end of the Milwaukee Beloit. The right of way has been kept alive, however, and It. Is <illegible> that the new road will take the most likely point although Clinton or Davenport may be touched, If Dubuque should as the point on the -.Mississippi the building of this new road may mean a great deal to Cedar Rapids and It Is for this reason that It might be well to investigate It. A number of Dubuque people, associated with several' gentle- men In other parts of the state, have organized the Chicago, Dubuque Southwestern, and arrangements are now being made to place surveyors In the Hold. Those In a position to know something about the matter believe that this latter company Is organized only for the purpose of securing the right of way for the Milwaukee Southwestern, and that as-soon as the arrangements have been completed, will turn it over to the former company. With a road running from the southwest, through Cedar Rapids and Dubuque to Milwaukee and thence east by the great lakes, the shippers of this part of the country would be greatly benefitted. Such a line In competition with the lines already built would undoubtedly result In in or freight rates both east and west. If such a line Is to be built Cedar Rapids should not let It pass by.

Milwaukee & Southwestern Railway

From Los Angeles Herald - Feb 28, 1900

RAILROAD PLANS County Bonds Asked for the Transcontinental Line
New York, Feb. 27. —The Times says: Plans have been partially completed for a new great transcontinental railway line, with a connecting line of steamships to Liverpool, by which the distance between that city and the western grain states is to be shortened 800 miles. The new Milwaukee Southewestern is to be a part of this system, which, wher. completed, will extend to the Pacific coast. James McNaught. who returned yesterday from Milwaukee, In speaking of the scheme, said: "The final proposition of the Milwaukee Southwestern Railway company, which : to be built from Milwaukee to Rock Island will be submitted to the county board p supervisors at Milwaukee tomorrow. Th proposition will unquestionably be accepted by a large majority. It will involv a subsidy from Milwaukee- county of $800, 000 in county bonds to aid in the construction of the road, for which) the county i to receive non-cumulative preferred stocl of the company. The road will have 70- pound rails and a standard gauge, and j the manner in which the road is to be built is clearly defined in the contract with the county. This road will be operated in connection with the Canada, Atlantic and the Great Northern Railway of Canada. The line of the Canada Atlantic and its connections will be used as far as Ottawa. From there to Quebec the connection will be j furnished by the Great Northern, to Can- | ada, which is now under construction and' will be completed by June. The line will I be in full operation to Quebec by the mid- I die of August." The Canada Atlantic has an outlet on Georgian bay, so that grain could be , shipped from Milwaukee to this point by i steamer. Negotiations lor the acquisition | of steamers for the new Quebec-Liverpooi' ' ocean line, which is to be part of the system. are now pending. It has not yet been definitely settled by which route the Pacific is to be reached, but it is understood that on© of the existing lines will operate in harmony with the new route to the Atlantic.

Fox River Valley Map

These are some screen shots from the library of congress.  This must have been early in the history of the Fox River Valley as it was not referred to as the "Milwaukee & Northern Illinois" and the map does not show some of the later schemes for this area.

Note that this also shows the "Milwaukee & Beloit" railroad that was never built along with the "original" Wisconsin Central (no relation to the Soo Line predecessor) that was graded and had a few rails laid but later folded.



Milwaukee Terminal Railroad

I had never heard of this venture before.  I know that there was a "Milwaukee Terminal" that was a joint venture of the Milwaukee Road and Northern Pacific in the Puget Sound area but that's not this one.  This venture appears to be related to a couple of railroads without access to the city of Milwaukee trying to gain access to the city.  It mentions the Wisconsin Central and I have seen mentions of the Wisconsin Central intending to use the former Fox River Valley right-of-way from Burlington to Milwaukee for Milwaukee access.  I had also heard about plans for the Illinois Central to access Milwaukee via the same/similar route.  However, this is the first that I have heard about the Chicago, Burlington, & Quincy, Northern Pacific, Rock Island, and/or Baltimore & Ohio attempting to gain access to Milwaukee.  Please note that it says the previous mentioned railroads are "believed" to be backing the company; it does not say with absolute certainty.

CNW offer?

This is a note from the Chicago & Northwestern to the town of Rochester (WI) inquiring about stock in the Fox River Valley Railroad.  Note that the C&NW did own the Fox River Valley Railroad of Illinois from Elgin to Richmond IL/Genoa City WI.  This is transcribed from a photocopy I have of the document, and unfortunately the right edge is cut off.  Much of the original formatting was also lost while transcribing it.  I don't know if the C&NW's interest was in purchasing/building the line, or simply purchasing it to eliminate potential competition.  The year is cut off of the date, but considering that it refers to the Milwaukee & St. Louis I would assume that places it in the early 1870s.

Chicago & Northwestern Railway Co.
Freight Office

C.E. Moody, Freight Agent    Milwaukee WI  7/8/18xx

Supervisor, Town of Rochester

Will you favor me with answers to the following inquiries?  Does the town of Rochester hold any stock or bonds of the Fox River Valley RR, now the Milwaukee  & St. Louis Air Line?  If so are they for sale and at what price?

Very Truly Yoours,
Alex Bergan(?)
1416 >street illegible<
Milwaukee, WI

Milwaukee & St. Louis Air Line railway info

Note that this comes from an old journal that was scanned digitally, hence some of the words weren't interpreted by the software correctly.
VOL. I.-FEBRUARY, 1874.-NO. 5.
The Milwaukee & St. Louis Air Line Railway Company was formed by the consolidation of the Milwaukee & Northern Illinois R. R. Co.. and the Varna, Peru, Mendota & State Line Railway Co. The consolidation was effected on the 1st of October, 1873. The MiWwaukee & Northern Illinois R. R. Co. was incorporated in 1853 by special act of the Wisconsin legislature, under the name of the Fox River Valley L. R. Co., and the name was changed to Wisconsin & Northern Illinois R. R. Co. by act of Wisconsin legisl ture in 1859. The Varna, Peru, pghdota & State Line Railway Co. ii of more recent birth, having been organized in the spring of 1873 under the general railroad law of Illinois. At a recent meeting of the Milwaukee & St. Louis Air Line railway company in this city the following gentlemen were elected
JOSHUA STARK ....... Milwaukee .......... Piddu.
TzeROg D. BROWsTSR.Perc, Il . ..... sace Presdedt.
WIL G. PARSONS .. . Milwaukee .......... Sete".
JOss BLACK .......... i Mlwaukee .......... Treasurer.
JOHN F. MUR"IL, Cbicag . .... . Chief Engineer.
JOBN H. VAR DT,    .   .     Milwaukee.
ONo.s BRsEAN........................
XDWAZr P. ALI ........... ...... .....
GUIDo PSTR........... ...............
Joan BLACK .............................
RoRr   W.PIK  ...............  . Milwaukee.
JOSHUA ST     A    RK...........................
PHILO Bz r  ................... Rocbester, Win.
J. H. Jomisox .................. . Woodstock, IlI.
TmbDox D. BURWsTzR ............... PerU,
CARLS Km= ................... Sycamore,
C. V. MARSH ............ 4.........
C. C. MZRAIcK ...................... Chicago,  "
JOHN BLACK,          R. W. PIECE,
0. C. ZRncx.
The line contemplated by the management of the Milwaukee & St. Louis Air Line, and as thus far developed by preliminary examination and survey by chief engineer Murrell, will form a direct route via Waterford, Rochester and d3urlington in Wisconsin, thence through Richmond, Woodstock andSycamore, and probably through DeKalb and Mendota, in Illinois, to Peru on the Illinois river, thence via Varna and the most direct route to St. Louis.The distance between Milwaukee and St. Louis on the lines now traveled by the way of Chicago, is 379 miles, while the route of the Milwaukee & St. Louis Air Line as now contenplated would not exceed 346 miles and a very practical and desirable route would be but 340 miles in length. There would be at least a difference in the through line of 33miles in favor of the Milwaukee & St. Louis Air Line. A still greater difference in favor of the Air Line is apparent when comparisons are noted with reference to certain towns in Illinois. For instance, the distance from Milwaukee to Peru or La Salle is but 140 miles, while the distance from Chicago to La Salle is 101 miles, The distance from Milwaukee to Peoria (should the line be built that way) is 182 miles. From Milwaukee to Peoria by way of Chicago the distance is 246 miles; extra travel of 64 miles. Other instances might be cited, but the above are sufficient to illustrate. The Milwaukee & St.
Louis Air Line will of course intersect the various lines of railroad running west and northwest from Chicago, and the Western Union at Burlington, Wis. The projected line passes through a remarkably fertile and well-developed agricultural region which has long felt the necessity
of a through route to Milwaukee, and which is willing to contribute largely to the stock of the company, as it is well understood that their only hope for a competing road and a competing market lies in the success of the Milwaukee & St. Louis Air Line. Previous to the construction of the Green Bay division of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway the food crops of Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin found market in Milwaukee; and with the construction of the new road those localities would renew their former relations with this market and city. A large and rich field would also be opened to the wholesale merchants of Milwaukee, to which, although so near, they have of late been entirely debarred, but which should always have remained tributary to this city. A feature of perhaps greater importance is the fact of direct connection by means of the Wisconsin Central railroad with the pineries of central and northern Wisconsin and by lake navigation with the lumber products of western Michigan; giving promise that at no distant day Milwaukee will assume her proper position as one of the of the country, and develop an industry which would do more for the rapid advancement of the city than
almost any other single interest. Lumber from western Michigan and the Green Bay district can now be freighted to Milwaukee by lake at a cost of from 25 to 40 cents less per thousand feet than it can be delivered in Chicago, and with proper dockage, easily obtained, Milwaukee
would soon become the source of supply for the lumber wants of a considerable local trade that now depends exclusively on Chicago. At least along the Milwaukee & St. Louis Air Line, for a distance of eight or ten miles on each side of the road, the lumber wants of the people would
be supplied from this city. If favorable rates and suitable accommodations should also be the pleasure of the Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R. company, there is no doubt but Milwaukee would soon rank as one of the largest and most favorable lumber markets. Under the present railway
management of the roads leading out of Milwaukee, the Air Line route would become the best distributing road of lumber running out of the city, and it would be safe to estimate that twenty car-loads of mixed lumber, shingles, etc., would be shipped from Milwaukee on this road, daily.
The cost of shipping lumber from Stevens Point, on the Wisconsin river, by rail to East St. Louis is now $9.50 per thousand feet. The cost of running the same lumber to St. Louis by river is from five to six dollars per M. vihile the risk on the rapids, the actual loss and the damhge to the lumber is such as to almost balance the difference in cost of the two methods of shipment. It seems reasonable to suppose that with the construction of the Milwaukee & St. Louis Air Line the rates could be so materially reduced as to at least al low of the shipment of dressed lum-
ber from the Wisconsin river pinerie to St. Louis. Should the Wisconsin Central construct their direct line to Portage city, there can be no doubt but a most important feeder to tho Milwaukee & St. Louis road, would result therefrom; the larger portion of the lumber from the central piner
of the state would seek the outlet thus formed and undoubtedly be able to reach St. Louis by rail at cost not exceeding the present expense of running in rafts.  Milwaukee possesses such grand natural facilities for handling cargo lumber and is so near the seat of manufacture, that with the construction the long needed air line to St. Louis there is not a doubt but this would increase its lumber traffic five or six fold. The lumber trade one of the great feature
of the success and growth of the city. Annually nine thousand cargoes of lumber are unloaded at Chicago wharfs, constituting three-fourths of the shipping business of the place. Not less than $3,000,000 is the sum of lake freights on lumber centering at Chicago. The construc-
tion of the St. Louis Air Line is one of the important conditions necessary to the development of the lumber trade of Milwaukee; and with that accomplished the minor obstacles in the way of that development, would be speedily removed. Still another feature of vast importance pertains to the and of the Illinois Valley, in the vicinity of La Salle.
-Along the whole length of the road, after leaving Woodstock, the inhabitants are compelled to use coal for fuel, no wood of any description being in that part of the country. The coal now must be hauled to Chicago, a distance of at least 100 miles; a there transferred and shipped to
i points along this road, making the y hauling distance, in most cases, 160 t to 170 miles to points that are not on Ian average more than forty to sixty a miles distance from much superior coal. It is easily to be seen that all the coal consumed must necessarily a- find its way over this road to supply, the wants of the people along the line of the road and its vicinity. The of same argument also applies to all s, roads intersected by this, for railroad corporations, like individuals, generally seek the cheapest and best market. Coal could be delivered to es the points of crossing those roads at cheaper than those roads can buy delivered on cars in Chicago, thus saving to them a hauling distance of about seventy miles, which at the
lowest hauling cost, one cent per ton per mile, would equal $7 per car-load. The same argument applies to the towns and villages on most roads running west, and all running northwest from Chicago. The road would act as a feeder and supply for them all. The value of cheap, good coal to Milwaukee would soon be felt in the increased stimulus given to man-
ufactures, not only of iron, but other products. The city of Milwaukee alone would consume in its furnaces, water-works and other public works, domestic wants, etc., 300 tons per day.
The certainty that the Milwaukee & St. Louis Air Line railroad would soon become one of the most profitable lines of the central railroad system of the United States, seems assured when we realize the late, but rapid and wonderful development of northern Wisconsin and the Peninsula of Michigan. Untold wealth lies dormant in the iron mines, the forests, and in the agricultural and cranberry lands of that region. Capital and immigration are turning in that direction. Milwaukee, by the possession of the Wisconsin Central, has power to establish and maintain controlling commercial interests there with; but the construction of the Milwaukee & St. Louis Air Line is an absolute essential to the grand results which would soon become apparent as the trade and commerce of northern Wisconsin and the Peninsula of Michigan sought its proper channel to the valley of the Mississlppi. The through east freights from St. Louis and the south-east would seek like shipment at Milwaukee; an increased commerce would necessitate new and, extended wharfs; manufactures would be greatly stimulated; and Milwaukee would be forced to utilize their natural advantages of her location and surroundings. The question of the building of the road is of vital importance to this city, and is within the power of easy solution. Consid erable work was done several years ago on the line of the former Milwaukee & Northern Illinois road, and that work is now the property of the proposed route; there is no doubt but liberal subscriptions from the line of the road will greatly increase
the capital stock of the company; and it remains for Milwaukee and St. Louis to extend every possible assistance and encouragement. From the report of the chief engineer, John F. Murrell, we append the following estimates as to the probable business of the line if constructed:
"From careful calculations and estimates founded on the basis of other
roads, I find the business that must necessarily find its way over this
road for the first five years of its working, would not be less than
$5,500 per mile per year

a little less than one-half the earnings per mile of the Chicago & Northwestern railway. That for 140 miles would be $770,000 per year total earnings. Deducting 56 per cent., the average working expenses and repairs of railroads, $431,200, leaving a balance of $338,800 to be- applied on the interest and dividends on a basis of 8 per cent., that represent interest on a stock and bonded indebtedness of $4,235,000, or inter.est 8 per cent. on $30,250 per mile
-cost. According to the estimates herewith submitted, which have been all very carefully considered and calculated, and everything allowed and treated in a liberal manner, the cost
per mile for the completed road is $18,631.64, including rolling stock; or total cost from Milwaukee to Peru 2,622,403.22, which require net receipts of road to amount to (after
paying working expenses,etc.,)$209,792.25, to pay interest at 8 per cent., ,or a total gross earnings of $3,406 per mile per year. There can be no doubt that the total earnings per
mile will far exceed that amount. I think double it, for I cannot see why the receipts per mile per year should not equal the Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway as soon as the road gets reg-
ulated and in good running order. And I have no doubt, should the road be constructed, that the future operations of the road would satisfactorily prove such to be the result." The clerks in Ingram, Kennedy & Mason's store recently presented Mr.Mason with a beautiful silver pitcher and goblets to match. The presentation was made by Mr. Kennedy, followed by an appropriate speech by Mr. Brown, after which Mr. Mason returned thanks in a neat little speech, and festivities ensued. The Juneau Co. Argus in its annual commercial review of New Lisbon says:
There are two saw mills, one operated by steam the other by water. The steam saw mill is owned by Hon. H. F. C. Nichols, and is run to full capacity during the summer and fall months
at the close of which mill hands are assigned to the supervision of logging camps in the woods during the winter. The water mill is owned by the firm of -J. & E. Smart, who are also owners of
the flouring mill. Both estabshments are considered handsome property for one manufacturing firm to own and of Course are run with suceess.