Thursday, December 27, 2018

More on the IC Onawa district

Illinois Central Officials on Tour
of Inspection at Onawa.
Onawa, la., Aug. 4. -A special train of cars, with the officials of the Illinois Central railroad, including the general manager and the assistant general manager, spent considerable time in Onawa yesterday inspecting their properties here. Just what their particular business was no one seemed to know, and the officials did not state, but seemed to be giving a thorough look at everything around
the yards.

Their visit has revived the old talk of an extension of the road. When the Illinois Central came into Onawa it was supposed the road would be extended west at an early date, but so far, aside from rumors, there have been no indications of an extension. There has also been considerable talk of extending the road south to a connection with the Omaha and Fort Dodge line near Missouri Valley. At any rate their visit has caused considerable speculation as to the object.

Missouri Valley Times 8-11-1904

The Onawa Democrat says that the rumor has again become active that the Illinois Central will extend its line from Onawa to Missouri Valley, thus connecting with its Council Bluffs line. - Mapleton Press

Missouri Valley Times 12-7-1911


Quiet Move by the Illinois Central

Two weeks ago two of the engineering force of the Illinois
Central were in town and secured a livery team and drove over to Kennebec and from that place followed the Bluff road down to Little Sioux. At that place the parties secured another team and were taken to Missouri Valley.  While in Little Sioux they called for a county map of Harrison county and after taking some observations from it drove south to a point a mile east of Mondamin and from that point west into the town, but so quietly that the fact was not known at that place. From Mondamin the parties went east a mile and then south to a point a mile or two east of Modale and here too they drove into town and then went back and proceeded to Missouri Valley, but their work at the Valley was just as quiet as in any of the other towns. The driver who took them through Harrison county knew but little of the men except that they were railroad men. The indications are that early in the spring the Central will fill in the gap from the Onawa branch to Loveland which will give a line from
Omaha to Sioux Falls. Sioux City people believe that the Central will also build from the Onawa
line to that place seems to be reasonable grounds for their belief. What this will do for Onawa will depend on whether it starts south from Onawa or whether it starts from a point on the Central about a mile on this side of Kennebec. If this is done it will work an injury to Onawa and would not be a grateful thing after the town had given her the right of way and other bequests amounting to $12,000. There is a kindly feeling existing between Onawa and the Illinois Central and the feeling should be encouraged by both the town and the road.—Onawa Democrat.

Missouri Valley Times 1-4-1900


Illinois Central Wants It.
Sioux City Journal: An interesting rumor involving the settlement of the Sioux City and Pacific's indebtedness to the government is being repeated by railroad men who now and then brush elbows with authority. It is that if the Sioux City and Pacific is not acquired by the Illinois Central, but goes to the Chicago and Northwestern, the Illinois Central certainly will extend its branch line from Cherokee to Onawa, from Onawa to a connection with its Fort Dodge and Omaha line at Loveland, and that later on the Sioux City and Pacific from Onawa to Sioux City will be paralleled.

The report is especially interesting in that the Illinois Central has not been seriously regarded as an aspirant for the Sioux City and Pacific it has been thought that, neither the Illinois Central nor the Great Northern would attempt to take the road away from the Northwestern. Almost everyone interested in the railroad affairs of Sioux City knows that an Illinois Central surveying party last year ran two lines from Onawa to Loveland. The distance is about forty miles. The surveys are along
the Missouri river bottom and the road could be built at a very light cost. From Onawa to Sioux City it would be built almost alongside the Sioux City and Pacific

Missouri Valley Times 2-28-1901


Onawa don't take any stock in the rumor that the Illinois Central will run a through train from Sioux Falls to Omaha by way of Cherokee and Onawa over the Sioux City and Pacific tracks from Onawa to Missouri Valley. When the Central runs trains from Sioux Falls to Omaha it will be when the Central builds from Onawa to Missouri Valley.—Monona Democrat.

Missouri Valley Times 12-7-1899


Illinois Central's New Line - Omaha

A direct line from Chicago to Omaha will be built.

Chicago, Sept. 20. - The Tribune says: The Illinois Central will begin the construction of a direct line from Chicago to Omaha early in the spring.  Only 125 miles of the new road is required to complete the line.  The company will tap it's Sioux City line at Fort Dodge, IA., and will build thence west to Council Bluffs.  Articles of incorporation for the new road have already been filed in Dubuque, the capital stock named being $5,000,000.

It is quite probable that before long the Illinois Central will also build an extension to S St. Paul.  It has for a line time had a line to Mona, IA., within 100 miles of St. Paul.  The enormous increase the company made in its earnings last year and the prospects of its doing still better in the future encouraged the management in carrying out those long contemplated projects.

The Chicago Great Western has also made arrangements to extend it's line from Omaha next summer.  The extension will run from Hampton, IA., to Omaha.


NY Times 9-21-1898


Illinois Central's Omaha acquisition

Omaha, Neb., Jan. 15. - The Illinois Central Railroad company has secured control of the bridge across the Missouri River, as well as all the tracks of the Omaha Bridge and Terminal Company.  The property includes terminal tracks in this city, South Omaha, and Council Bluffs, and a new bridge across the river.


NY Times 1-16-1902


Wisconsin Central - strategic Position

Since the admission of J.P. Morgan that the purchase of control of the Wisconsin Central was considered by him at the time of the Northern Pacific-Burlington deal, Wall Street has given considerable attention to the strategic position of the road.  At the same time there have appeared in the market some large buying orders for Wisconsin Central stocks, these orders being understood to come from Chicago and St. Louis interests.  The talk now is of an alliance of some sort between Wisconsin Central and Illinois Central.


NY Times April 1902