Friday, February 23, 2018


The Wisconsin & Michigan Passes Into the Control of the Toledo & Ann Arbor.

MARINETTE, WIS , Dec. 21 The Wisconsin & Michigan railway, 60 miles long, has been sold to the Toledo & Ann Arbor Railroad Company. The Wisconsin & Michigan is to be extended six miles to connect with the Holmes & Son logging railroad, which extends forty miles in a northwesterly direction, with Pembine. The Holmes road will be extended to tap a big tract of nine In Forest and Vilas counties, estimated at one billion feet. This vast amount of timber will he brought to Marinette to be sawed in Marinette and Menominee mills and will prolong the life of the mills here many years.  Ultimately the Holmes road will be extended to Duluth. The Wisconsin &. Michigan railroad extends trom Peshtigo harbor to Faithorn Junction. The company will lay its own tracks into this city. Next jear the extension will reach the Menominee iron range and the Ann Arbor & Chicago ferry
systems will become great carriers of ore.

Kansas City Journal 12-25-1898

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Right into St. Paul from Menominee

Menominee Road Gets a Direct Line Already Built.

MARINETTE, Wis., Oct. 19.—1t is reported that the Holmes Legging railroad, sixty miles-in length, has been purchased, by the Menominee & St. Paul, and will save, the construction of that much new roadbed. The main line of the Menominee & St. Paul railway will not be begun until
The Saint Paul globe. (St. Paul, Minn.)  October 20, 1899,

Menominee & St. Paul RR

One to be Built From Menominee to St. Paul, S. M. Stephenson at the Head.

A new railroad company, to be known as the Menominee & St. Paul Railroad company, was organized at Menominee last week. S.M.Stephenson of Menominee, is president; H.W. Ashley, of Toledo, vice-president and general manager; Joseph Fleshiem, Menominee, secretary; N. L. Smith, Toledo, general counsel. The organization was perfected under the laws of Michigan and the articles
of incorporation includes in its board of directors Hon. S. M. Stephenson, Jos. Flesheim, John Henes, C. I. Cook and Wm. Holmes, of Menominee, and Hon. Wellington R. Burt, of Detroit. The capital stock is $11,500,000.

The new road will be built from Menominee to St. Paul, a distance of 300 miles, to form a connection with the Ann Arbor and its car ferry system there. It is the intention to run the boats all winter. The distance in favor of Menominee from St. Paul as compared with Chicago is 117 miles. The building
of the new road is expected to cause the erection of flouring mills, elevators, factories of different
kinds, etc., in Menominee. The preliminary survey of the road will begin at once. It will run in nearly  a westerly direction, and through a section of Wisconsin yet undeveloped and rich in timber and agricultural lands.

The L'Anse sentinel. (L'Anse, L.S., Mich.)  June 17, 1899,

Ann Arbor ferries move Ore

Something never before witnessed in Menominee in railroad shipments took place a few days ago, when four Ann Arbor car ferries took out a total of 128 cars of iron ore to be shipped to Detroit and eastern points. The car ferries. Nos. 3, 4. 5, and 6, were loaded to capacity and departed for Frankfort.
The shortage of steam boats compelled the mine owners to take the matter up with the Northwestern and Ann Arbor Railroads, and arranged to have the ore shipped by rail to points in the east.

The Ann Arbor Company has been having an average of two boats a day for the past three weeks. There are several hundred cars of ore yet to be shipped by the mining companies, and the Ann Arbor road will continue to run boats here each day to take care of these shipments. Last year was the biggest year the Ann Arbor ever had in Menominee, but according to present indications the year of 1917 is going to be the banner year for the road at this point - Michigan Investor.

The Owosso Times 1-11-1918

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Peninsula News & Menominee tidbits

The Ann Arbor and Menominee & St. Paul roads have commenced the erection of a big warehouse in
Menominee. A union depot, to cost $40,000, will be built in the spring. The general offices of the Menominee & St. Paul road are to be located in that city.

L'Anse Sentinel 2-17-1900

Deeds for the proposed Ann Arbor railroad terminal in Menominee were signed Monday. Manager W. II. Ashley and other officials will be there in a few days to perfect plans for building. Citizens granted a terminal site free. They will build a belt line around Menominee and Marinette.

L'Anse Sentinel 5-13-1899

Marinette, Wis. Oct. 17 - The first shipment was made yesterday on the new Wisconsin & Michigan Railway.  This line extends from the Soo road on the north to Peshtigo, and over the Chicago, Milwaukee, & St. Paul to Marinette on the south.  It will make close connections with the Soo road and the Toledo and Ann Arbor car-ferry line in Menominee.  It is designed in this way to open up a new route to the Eastern Seaboard.

NY Tribune 10-18-1894

Ann Arbor's New Route.

Menominee, Dec. 8: When navigation closes In Green Bay, the apron for loading cars onto the Ann Arbor ferries will be taken from Gladstone to Manistique, and the boats run there. This will give the
Ann Arbor road a connection with the east and the Lake Superior country, as the Chicago lumber  company owns a 30-mile stretch of road that runs to Munising, where connections with the Duiuth, South Shore & Atlantic railroad will be made. This will open up a splendid new territory for the Ann Arbor, and the boats will ran all the year.

The Owosso Times 12-10-1897

Cheap excursions in northern Michigan

Cheap excursions to open a new line which is sure to become a favorite route between the north country and lower Michigan and Ohio are to be run next week.  Next Tuesday and Thursday, Sept. 2d and 4th, the D., S. S. & A.railway will sell tickets to Toledo,Oh, and lower Michigan at the extremely
low rate of $10.50 from L'Anse and Baraga for the round trip. These excursion tickets will be valid for return until Sept. 20th, inclusive.

The trip will bo made over the D.S. S. '& A. railway to Shingleton; Manistique, Marquette & Northern railway to Manistique; Ann Arbor ferry to Frankfort; Ann Arbor railway to Toledo, Oh. Tickets will be valid for passage on regular trains which leave L'Anse at 9:55 a. m. and Baraga 9:45 a. m., Tuesday and Thursday. The tickets will read to Toledo, but excursionists can stop at any of
the stations on the Ann Arbor road between Frankfort and Toledo, returning home direct from that
point; they will not be obliged to go to Toledo to have their tickets stamped and made available for the return journey.

L'Anse Sentinal (L'Anse, MI) 8-30-1902

AA/M&LS - Northport Ferry

Taps Rich Ore Regions Of Upper Peninsula And Stops Competition.

Fight Between Roads For The Northern Business Stopped By This Purchase.

A deal is consummated, whereby the Ann Arbor Railroad company takes over the Manistique, Marquette & Northern railroad, which taps the rich ore regions of the Upper Peninsula. By this move the Ann Arbor practically closes the car ferry from Northport- to Manistique.  For a number of years the entire business of the Traverse City, Leelanau & Manistique railroad from the Upper Peninsula came by way of the M., M. & N. by way of these huge car ferries.  By this move the Ann Arbor taps the rich country not heretofore reached by any of the big lines.

For many years past the Ann Arbor has conducted a line from Frankfort to Manistique by means of a system of car ferries, which have received considerable patronage, but the leakage into the T. C, L. &M. line was very antagonistic to their business as offering a more direct line to the lower peninsula points and a consequent lowering of the tariffs. The purchase of the road throws the entire traffic in the Ann Arbor's hands.  There is no doubt but that this will deal a severe blow to Northport, depending as it does, largely on the northern system for work for its men.  This is a year round occupation, the big boats never stopping for ice or the elements. It will be some few days before the tariffs can be adjusted to suit the requirements of the new system, and it will also be necessary to allow an interim for the handling of the business which is now under contract to the T.C, L. & M. Just what will become of the road from Traverse City to Northport cannot be determined.

Alma Record (Alma MI) 8-12-1909

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Absorbs Copper Railroad

Ann Arbor Company to develop upper peninsula business.

Manistique, Mich., Aug. 7. - By a deal which has been practically closed in the past few days, the Ann Arbor Railway Company has gained control of the Manistique, Marquette, and Northern Railroad, which extends from this place to Shingleton, forty-five miles, and connects there with the Duluth, South Shore, and Atlantic.

This line, which will be made an extension of the Ann Arbor from here, will give that road a large percentage of the vast timber and copper business of the upper peninsula.  The timber and ore will be carried from Manistique to Frankfort by the railroad's car ferry and shipped from there to Toledo by rail, making the latter city the distributing point for shipments to the East and South.

The railroad was renamed "Manistique & Lake Superior"

NY Times 8-8-1909

A Michigan Railroad Scheme

Holland, Mich., Oct. 1. - It is asserted by a resident capitalist who has interested himself in the scheme that the Detroit, Lima, and Northern Road will purchase the Allegan branch of the Chicago and West Michigan Road and make Holland its main port on the east of Lake Michigan, running a carferry between here and Milwaukee.  The name of the road will be the Detroit, Toledo, and Milwaukee.

NY Time 10-2-1897

New Line to Milwaukee

Milwaukee, Wis., Dec. 21. - Milwaukee merchants and shippers are in receipt of a prospectus issued by the Central Michigan Railroad Company and the Michigan and Ohio Belt Line Railroad Company, which propose to furnish Milwaukee with new railroad connections with the east.  Local railroad men who have no interest in the project say they understand the projectors of the roads have good financial backing.

The object of the organization of the companies named is to maintain a continues line of rail and water way from Milwaukee by way of Grand Haven, Grand Rapids, Battle Creek, Coldwater, and Camden. Mich.; Napoleon, Bowling Green, Fremont, and Cleveland, Ohio.  This line with car ferry connections between Milwaukee and Grand Haven, would carry through freight to the Atlantic seaports, including Newport News, while freight westbound could be sent all over the Northwest from Milwaukee.

The railroad connections of the line as proposed will be the Chicago and Grant Trunk, Pennsylvania, Michigan Central, Lake Shore, Baltimore and Ohio, Erie, and the Norfolk and Western.  It will also make direct connections with the Cincinnati Northern and the Cincinnati, Hamilton, and Dayton for Cincinnati and southern Points.

An issue of $7,000,000 5% first mortgage gold bonds has been arranged for.

NY Times  12-22-1898

The Toledo & Ann Arbor

Friends of the present management of the Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railroad have held frequent meetings in this city for the purpose of devising, if possible, some means of extricating the company from its financial difficulties.  Vice President J.M. Ashley, Jr. has returned to New York from Toledo.  Reports were in circulation in Wall Street yesterday afternoon that a favorable deal with the Green bay, Winona, & St. Paul Railroad was underway, and that the negotiations may be concluded today.

President Samuel Sloan of the Lackawanna Road says that there is no truth in the statement that the Lackawanna has secured or is trying to secure control of the Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Road.

NY Times 5-2-1893

No Deal by Ann Arbor Road.
Manager Ashley Denies that it has bought the Wisconsin & Michigan

Toledo, Ohio, Dec. 28. - General Manager Ashley of the Ann Arbor Road today unqualifiedly denied that his company had purchased the Wisconsin & Michigan.  He said: "No negotiations of this character have been made.  It is not probable that the Ann Arbor would purchase this road, as the Green Bay is frozen up about three months of the year, and this would cut the road in fwo for that length of time.  No, you can say that there is no truth in the story."

NY Times Dec 29, 1898