Ann Arbor Company to develop upper peninsula business.
Manistique, Mich., Aug. 7. - By a deal which has been practically closed in the past few days, the Ann Arbor Railway Company has gained control of the Manistique, Marquette, and Northern Railroad, which extends from this place to Shingleton, forty-five miles, and connects there with the Duluth, South Shore, and Atlantic.
This line, which will be made an extension of the Ann Arbor from here, will give that road a large percentage of the vast timber and copper business of the upper peninsula. The timber and ore will be carried from Manistique to Frankfort by the railroad's car ferry and shipped from there to Toledo by rail, making the latter city the distributing point for shipments to the East and South.
The railroad was renamed "Manistique & Lake Superior"
NY Times 8-8-1909
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