Sunday, January 11, 2015

Milwaukee Southwestern Proposal

From Engineering Record, Building Record and Sanitary Engineer, Volume 40

 Milwaukee Wis The Milwaukee Southwestern Ry Co is said to be considering the matter of constructing a railroad about 200 miles long       Marinette Wis It is stated that the Wisconsin & Michigan Ry Co will extend its road to Duluth in the spring.

From the Chicago Tribune Nov 29, 1899

County Board Votes to Assist in Building Two Hundred Miles of Railroad
Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 28.--[Special]--The County board today decided to submit to a vote of the people tho proposition of the Milwaukee and Southwestern road to build a lino from here 200 mllen to tho southwest, provided Milwaukee County purchases 800,- 000 of the preferred stock of tho road. Tho proposed road will tap tho Burlington, Illinois Central, Bock Island, and Great Northern roads In Illinois, and it Is expected will turn, a, great amount of freight to this city.

From the Interocean, Dec 30, 1899

M1LWAUKEE, Wis. V" Dec 29. Former United States Senator Warner Miller of New York. Colonel James. McNaught, formerly general counsel of the Northern Pacific rail road, and S. R. Alnslle were in Milwaukee to day. H. B. Munson find John W. Wegner, whe are taking care of the Milwaukee end of the Southwestern railroad project, left for Chicago wltb the visitors at noon. Mr. Miller said: '.- I am here In connection with th proposition to build the Milwaukee Southwestern railway. Some months' ago some Milwaukee parties came to New York with their proposition, making a statement that Milwaukee county would lend aid in building a railroad to the Southwest. Myself and associates looked over the proposition, and satisfied our selves that It was a good enterprise, and that with the aid of the county the road could be financed and built. We are still of that opinion. - "Unless the proposed aid of the county Is given we should not care to go into It, and I do not think anyone could be found who would finance It and build the road without that aid. If the citizen of Milwaukee desire to have the road constructed and believe It would be of enough benefit to the city to warrant that aid which Is asked for, they will undoubtedly vote that way. If. on the other hand, they do not think the road is wanted they will vote down the proposition. And there the matter will end. ao far aa we ar concerned. I want te say that myself and my associates hav not been th movers In this affair. The proposition waa brought to ns by people rrom Milwaukee. "I am not here to nrge the' people of Mil waukee to vote for th proposition at all. That la a matter for them to rot on from their own standpoint. I. hav been looking over the city's Industries and business, and I am entirely satisfied that a road running to the Southwest would bring a very large commerce to the city which does not come here now. and such a road would, pay." . When arked If the company Intended to file the 1300.000 bond, with the county clerk today. Senator Miller raid: . "I,am In no way connected with that matter. . I suppose the company intends to file the bond. I am going right back to Chicago to meet some parties who win are interested with us if the proposition goes through. I have not a bit of doubt tbe road will be built If the county gives tee expected support. Mr. Miller also spoke of the desirable connections the new road would make with the Wisconsin Central, the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy, and the Illinois Central. When asked if the Southwestern road would be ex-tended further Into the Southwest than the 200 mile contemplated in the formal proposition. Mr. Miller said: - "What may be done after that i do not know. - John W. Werner says the bond will be filed within a few days, and that the visit of Mr. Millier and the other <illegible> to Milwaukee has been of considerable help to the local The -visitors inspected the railroad terminals and the right o way In the Menominee valley this morning.

From the Interocean, Nov 25, 1899

The committee appointed by the mass meeting of business men to consider the propositions submitted by the Milwaukee Traffic and Terminal and the Milwaukee Southwestern Railway companies, has decided In favor of the lalter'a proposition as best calculated to serve the Interests of the city and county of Milwaukee. There will be reservations In the report, however, which will require -some changes in the proposition before it receives an us reserved recommendation from the committee. Charles Queries has been Instructed to draft the report to embody the conclusions of the committee, and a meeting will be held tomorrow afternoon at $ o'clock, when the draft -will be submitted for approval.

Dubuque Daily Herald; Jan 3, 1900

The Milwaukee and Southwestern Railroad May Touch This City. ROAD MAY BE BUILT THIS YEAR. The Shippers Would be Greatly Benefitted by This Changes on Illinois Central. One railroad will be built during the year 1900 that will cut quite a <illegible> In both western and eastern business, says the Cedar Rapids Gazette. The project Is one that should interest the people of Cedar Rapids, and the Commercial club would do a mighty good thing, to make a little Investigation of the matter. The railroad in conclusion will be known as the Milwaukee and Southwestern and during the coming year will be built at least 200 miles southwest from Milwaukee, crossing the Illinois Central and the Burlington and having a terminal for the present at some point on the Mississippi to be determined at a later date. A line <illegible> will constitute the eastern connections. Eastern and western capitalists are behind the project, among them being Warner Miller, of New York. It Is probable that the- new road will follow the line road surveyed for the Milwaukee Beloit in the fifties. A year or two before the financial panic In 1857 a number of moneyed men of Wisconsin had all arrangements made for the building of a railroad from Milwaukee to Ballot. The company was organized and had as officers, the Into Timothy 'Mower of this city being the general manager. The right of way was secured, the grading was all done, the bridges were nearly all built and the Iron was on the docks. Then came the crash and the end of the Milwaukee Beloit. The right of way has been kept alive, however, and It. Is <illegible> that the new road will take the most likely point although Clinton or Davenport may be touched, If Dubuque should as the point on the -.Mississippi the building of this new road may mean a great deal to Cedar Rapids and It Is for this reason that It might be well to investigate It. A number of Dubuque people, associated with several' gentle- men In other parts of the state, have organized the Chicago, Dubuque Southwestern, and arrangements are now being made to place surveyors In the Hold. Those In a position to know something about the matter believe that this latter company Is organized only for the purpose of securing the right of way for the Milwaukee Southwestern, and that as-soon as the arrangements have been completed, will turn it over to the former company. With a road running from the southwest, through Cedar Rapids and Dubuque to Milwaukee and thence east by the great lakes, the shippers of this part of the country would be greatly benefitted. Such a line In competition with the lines already built would undoubtedly result In in or freight rates both east and west. If such a line Is to be built Cedar Rapids should not let It pass by.

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