From The Railway Age March 23, 1906
Milwaukee Peoria & St Louis McNabb to Peoria 50 miles
Railway Age Gazette Vol 51
Milwaukee Peoria & St Louis
An officer writes that the prospects of building are good but contracts are not yet let for a line from a point opposite the city of Peoria 111 on the east bank of the Illinois river north crossing the Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe thence via Lacon and Hennepin to Rockford about 120 miles Connection is to be made with the Chicago Milwaukee & St Paul at the Chicago Indiana & Southern bridge at Depue Maximum grades will be 5 of 1 per cent maximum curvature 3 degrees The right of way has been secured from Peoria to Depue and about one half of the line has been located The company expects to develop a traffic in coal from the fields located at the southern end of the line FW Cherry Princeton is back of the project B Schreiner chief engineer
Engineering & Contracting, Vol 37
The Milwaukee Peoria & St Louis RR Co projecting a line from Peoria to Rock ford has secured a large part of its right of way Construction work at the southern end of the line may be started some time in May As outlined this line starts on the east side of the river at Peoria runs along the east bank of Marshall Hennepin county seat of Putnam which town now has no railroad connection crosses the river at Depue using the trackage of the New York Central lines for the bridge and into Seatonville thence to Rockford Frank B Reid Chicago 111 is President Robert D Clarke Peoria 111 is Vice president and George E Stocking of Rochelle is Treasurer
Moodys Manual of investments - 1919
CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY NOTE This analysis is based on official documents of the company including its annual reports of the past ten years For Definitions and Key to Ratings see pages 19 26 Origin Incorporated under Illinois laws June 7 1859 as successor to Chicago St Paul & Fond du Lac RR operating from Chicago to Fond du Lac Wis about 177 miles Extensions were made from time to time and construction of further lines added to the length of the system The Sioux City & Pacific RR was acquired in 1901 and the Fremont Elkhorn & Missouri Valley was formally absorbed in 1903 In 1909 the company purchased the Manitowoc Green Bay & Northwestern and the Milwaukee & State Line Ry In 1910 11 the Sioux City Dakota & Northwestern and the Lee County Ry were acquired These and other lines were built in the interest of the main company Among the lines recently organized are the Belle Fourche Valley Ry the James River Valley & Northwestern Ry Milwaukee Peoria & St Louis RR the Milwaukee Sparta & Northwestern Ry and the St Louis Peoria & Northwestern Ry
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