Thursday, July 26, 2018

IC line from Freeport to Madison and Portage

Special dispatch to the Tribune,
Madison, Wl Aug. 10.—At a meeting ot the Board of Directors of the Madison & Portage Railway Company, held in this city this morning, Messrs. James Campbell, O. D. Peck, Winslow Ballon, George O. Clinton, and David Atwood resigned their positions as Directors of the Company, and Messrs. John W. Cary, Alex Mitchell, S. S. Merrill, Hans Crocker, and John C. Gault were elected Directors to fill their vacancies. The new Board elected S.S. Merrill as President of the Company. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Company has run the Portage Road for several years, and, by this arrangement, the management will continue under the permanent control of that company. There ore rumors on the street today that the Central have determined to construct tho Madison & Portage Road from here to Freeport, IL, thus connecting the lumber forests of Wisconsin with the prairies of
Illinois in nearly a direct line. It is also rumored here todav that the Illinois Central are seeking a connection with the Wisconsin Central at Portage, by constructing a road from Freeport, by the way of Mazomanie and Merrimac, to Portage. To corroborate this rumor it is stated that the Illinois Central folks had an engineer at Portage looking over the route.

- Chicago Daily Tribune, 8/17/1878

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