Friday, March 2, 2018

Pennsylvania RR trying to reach Lake Superior Country

A Duluth man who recently returned from the East says that the Pennsylvania railway system is aiming to reach the south shore of Lake Superior and Duluth via the Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic from Shingleton.  He says:

"It is currently reported in railroad circles in New York that the Pennsylvania system is going to push farther into the Lake Superior region in search of business in connection with the Grand Rapids &
Indiana road which it is said to control.

The Grand Rapids & Indiana runs north in Michigan to Nortbport, and it is claimed that negotiations are now in progress for the establishment of a car ferry between there and Manistique.

From Manistique to Shingleton there is a logging road, formerly owned by the Chicago Lumber company. It is now in other hands, and is known as the Kauffman line. The Pennsylvania line is supposed to be behind the Kauffmans. The Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic touches Shingleton.

In connection with this road a new route would be furnished from the Lake Superior region to the East. If the movement of ore ever becomes an important factor in all rail transportation, the Pennsylvania system would be in an excellent position to reach many of the important points of consumption from the Lake Superior region."

L'Anse Sentinel, 1-17-1903

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