Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Detroit, Toledo & Milwaukee

Calvin S. Brice takes hold and the offices may be moved to Toledo.

Toledo, Ohio, March 28. - Calvin S. Brice has again taken hold of the Detroit, Toledo & Milwaukee Line.  It is to have a complete new roster of officers.  N.K. Elliott has assumed management of the operating department, and new traffic officials are to be appointed soon.

The Lima & Northern evidently failed to pay the purchase price it was to put up for the road, and J.H. Seamons, representing Mr. Brice, came on to arrange the details for getting it back.  He is the financial manager of the road.

Among the early probabilities is the accepted one that headquarters will be removed to this city.  It is currently rumored an independent line will be tacked on the Michigan end of the road.

NY Times 3-29-1898

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