Friday, May 19, 2017

Rockefeller buys railway (WC)

Wisconsin Central now controlled by Standard Oil, it is said.
(Special to the New York Times).

St. Paul, Minn., Fed. 17. - It was learned today, through an officer of the Wisconsin Central Railroad, that the Standard Oil Company has acquired a controlling interest in that road, and is financing the extension from Ladysmith, Wis,. to Superior and Duluth, and is also financing the extension of the Duluth, Rainy River, and Winnipeg Road, which extends through the iron ore range, on which the Rockefeller interests own a large area.

John D. Rockefeller is said to have personally directed this project, which has, it is understood, brought the Wisconsin Central under his control by the purchase of stock.  It is alleged that all the northern lines, the United States Steel Company's Road, the Great Northern, and the Northern Pacific have refused to haul the iron ore of the Rockefeller mines, and that the purchase of the Wisconsin Central or a controlling interest in the road, is for the purpose of getting an outlet to the ports of Lake Superior, Milwaukee, and Chicago.

----- NY Times 2/18/1906

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