Eastern Syndicate may want Wisconsin Central and Great Western
Special to the New York Times
Chicago, Ill., Feb. 5. - Another move is about to be made by the syndicates that are attempting to control all of the important railroads in the country. The Harriman - Vanderbilt - Morgan - Pennsylvania combination, having about finished its work of consolidation in the territory east of Chicago, has turned its weapons upon the western field of transportation. The managers of the controlling pool are trying to corral the only two independent roads between Chicago and St. Paul - the Wisconsin Central and the Chicago Great Western - in order to obtain absolute control of the Chicago - St. Paul district.
President Hill of the Great Northern, who is a prominent member of the Baltimore & Ohio end of the syndicate, is negotiating for the purchase of the Wisconsin Central, and, in fact, it is prevailing opinion in financial and railroad circles that the syndicate already has obtained control of this line. This leaves only the little Great Western as an independent line. According to alleged plans, this road also is to be absorbed and placed in the pool for freight purposes. With the acquisition of these two roads, the syndicate practically will have achieved its end in bottling up the Chicago - Missouri River territory, as the Milwaukee and St. Paul, the Rock Island, and the Burlington lines, now owned by the Harriman or any other syndicate, are in entire sympathy with any plans which the syndicate may dictate. On the syndicate's lines eastbound from Chicago plans for wiping out competition are assuming shape.
----- NY Times 2/6/1900
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