Burlington, Wabash and Illinois Central Have Building Plans.
••Milwaukee. Wis., July 26.—Rumors in railroad circles are crystalizing to the effect that Milwaukee will be placed on the direct lines of the Chicago Burlington and Quincy railway system, the Wabash railway and the Illinois Central, provided that the Milwaukee Southern succeeds in building lines in to this city for which franchises have been granted.
The visit to this city ais week of H. I). Judson, general superintendent of the Illinois district of the Burlington, with Attorney Miller of Chicago, Ill. said to have had the purpose of ascertaining the lay of the land here, preparatory to considering a proposal to enter Milwaukee over the Milwaukee
Southern line from De Kalb and Rock ford, Ill.
It is said that at present the Milwaukee-Southern has not the money to build its proposed lines and that the Burlington or some other railway has been asked to lend financial as well as moral support.
Evening times-Republican. (Marshalltown, Iowa), July 26, 1906
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