Chicago, Nov 3. - The proposed railway from Salt Lake City to Sioux City, IA, is now spoken of as an assured enterprise, with a syndicate behind it which proposes to complete the entire line within the next two years. The line is divided into three corporations, known as the Salt Lake Valley Eastern, the Wyoming & Eastern, and the Nebraska & Western Railway Companies. When these companies were incorporated a good deal of gossip was indulged in concerning the probable relations of the project to one of the big western systems. The report that was generally accepted as the most plausible, and which was industriously circulated until an offical denial choked its career was one placing the responsibility on the Illinois Central people and designating the proposed railway as an extension of the Illinois Central line from Sioux City across to Nebraska to the Wyoming foal fields and probably to Denver. It is now understood that the project road isnot connected with any of the great railway companies but is an independent line, to be constructed and operated with the idea of exchanging business with all other companies on an equal basis. Construction has commenced on the Salt Lake Valley & Eastern Division.
NY Time Nov 4, 1888
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