Sold to the Toledo & Ann Arbor.
Marinette, Wis., Dec.24 - The Wisconsin & Michigan Railway, sixty miles long, has been sold to the Toledo & Ann Arbor Railroad Company. The Wisconsin and Michigan is to be extended six miles to connect with the Holmes & Son logging railroad which extends forty miles in a northwesterly direction from Pembine. The Holmes road will be extended to tap a big tract of pine in Forest and Vilas Counties, estimated to contain 1,000,000,000 feet. This vast amount of timber will be sawed in Marinette & Menominee sawmills.
NY Times December 26, 1898
New $2,000,000 Michigan Railroad
Menominee, Mich., June 9 - The Menominee & St. Paul Railroad Company was organized today with a capital stock of $2,000,000. It will build a road from this city to St. Paul, a distance of 300 miles. The incorporators are ex Congressman Samuel M. Stephenson and ofthers of this city, Wellington R. Burt of Saginaw, President of the Ann Arbor Railroad, and Henry W. Ashdown of Toledo. The officers are: Preseident S.M.Stephenson; Secretary & Treasurer Joseph Flesheim; General Manger - H.W.Ashley, General Counsel - A.L.Smith of Toledo. THe Pennsylvania and Ann Arbor Railroads are both indirectly interested. Elevators and flour mills will be established in this city.
NY Times June 10, 1899
Big Railway War Possible
The Wabash threatens to tap the CHicago & Northwestern's Michigan ore business
Menominee, Mich., July 22 - Beginning in a war over switching charges between this city and Marinette, Wis., just across the Menominee River, a contest has developed between the C&NW and Ann Arbor, a part of the Wabash system, which threatens to involve the two big railroads in a war for the entire ore business of the upper penninsula of Michigan. The conflict may also involve the St. Paul system.
The Ann Arbor refused to keep up the high charges made by other roads, and was then forced to pay commissions to the belt lines to get ore from its own connections to its docks in this city. As a result a corps of surveyors is here tonight, and in the morning will begin to lay out a line across the river, to connect with the Wisconsin & Michigan Road. It is stated authoritatively that the surveyors are the scouts who will prepare the way for the buying up and connection of small railraods in the iron ore district, resulting in expenditure of millions in the iron mine region by the Wabash.
What has hitherto been the Northwestern's exclusive territory will be tapped. A cross lake cary ferry service is part of the plan.
NY Times July 23, 1902
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