Wednesday, January 15, 2025

PRR into Iowa?

A dispatch recently appeared in the daily papers to the effect that the Pennsylvania company had purchased the T. P. & W. railroad. This would make the western termini of the Pennsylvania at Keokuk, but many of the best poasted railroad men believe that that company have in view a continental line, that it will purchase the K. & W. and extend the line west to Omaha or Denver. While the present management of the K. & W. gives the public excellent service, much better than that offered by any other road of the same length in the state, a through line in many respect would be much better. Should the above idea be carried out it would place this county in direct connection with all the eastern markets. It would give this locality better freight and mail facilities. The Pennsylvania is one of the best railroads in this country and if the K. &. W. is to be absorbed by any of the great systems, it could not fall in better hands.


The Farmers' Union -- Memphis, MO -- 12-7-1893.