Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Duluth, Rainy Lake & Winnpeg RR; a predecessor to the Duluth, Winnipeg & Pacific

Duluth, Rainy Lake & Winnipeg Work Pushed.
Duluth, Oct. 21.—The survey of the Duluth, Rainy Lake & Winnipeg, formerly known as- the Duluth, Virginia & Rainy Lake railroad, has been completed into this city. It follows almost an air line between Duluth and Virginia, coming over the hill a little to the east of the Missabe railroad. It is
understood that the Wisconsin Central has formed a close alliance with the Rainy Lake road and that the latter will use the Wisconsin Central terminals in this city.

Construction work on the extension south from Virginia will begin in the early spring, and it is possible that the right of way will be cleared during the winter. Meantime work is being rushed on
the line between Virginia and International Falls, where the Rainy Lake line will connect with the Canadian Northern, giving a direct route between Chicago and the Manitoban metropolis via the Canadian Northern, Duluth, Rainy Lake & Winnipeg and the Wisconsin Central railroads, all
of which roads are reported to be in a traffic agreement, or possibly even closer allied.

- Bowbells Tribune 10/26/1906

Riverside & Harlem Railway

 ILLINOIS Harlem The Riverside & Harlem Railroad Company to build a line in Cook County to connect the Illinois Central road and the Wisconsin Central giving the latter a more direct line into Chicago. capital $200,000 Incorporators John C Welling Lewis T Moore Wm C Bruen Joseph F Titus and Franklin Fairman

-Iron & Machinery World, Vol 89


RIVERSIDE & HARLEM The Illinois Central Is seeking right of way through the property known as the Gage Farm in Cook County Illinois for the Riverside & Harlem road which it proposes to build from a connection with its present line to Waldheim to connect with the Wisconsin Central a distance of 4 1/4 miles. The Wisconsin Central uses the terminal facilities of the Illinois Central at Chicago and it is claimed the construction of the line referred to will shorten the route into the city some 8 miles.

- The Railway Age 5/17/1901
